Two Graphic Novels on ALA’s Most Banned List

fun home coverHabibiCover

The two graphic novels above, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel and Habibi by Craig Thompson has made the American Library Association’s “Most Banned Books” list of 2015.  Remember these are the opinions of individuals that some would agree with and some would not, you would have to read each graphic novel yourself to see what you think.  For Fun Home was challenged for the following reasons “violence and other graphic images” and with Habibi for nudity, sexually explicit and unsuited for age group. Thanks to Nicole Bunge and ICv2 for the information.

Blankets follow-up Habibi

ICv2 reports that Craig Thompson’s follow-up to Blankets will be entitled Habibi.  They give the release date for September 20th, 2011.  So all libraries that picked up his Blankets will want to keep an eye out for Thompson’s latest entry in the graphic novel medium Habibi.  You can make a jump below to the full article.