Turning Shades of Green

One of the movies I have been eagerly awaiting comes out this weekend.  Of course that is DC Comics’ Green Lantern.  I’m sure all of your patrons will know this, but it can give you some talking points if you only have a passing knowledge of comic books. Watch the feature below thanks to YahooMovies.

Backlash over Superman

Backlash over Superman renouncing his citizenship has already started.  With some people planning on boycotting anything DC Comics right know.  This might not have been the best move for DC Comics, since Warner Bros. has the Green Lantern movie coming out in just a few weeks.  ICv2’s has a full article on what this story has stirred up at the following link.


Movie Pics of Green Lantern

ICv2’s site, linked below, has given us some pictures of Ryan Reynolds in his computer generated Green Lantern costume.  Not the worst CGI I’ve seen.  Quite a bit of this movie will probably be CGI because of the aliens and space & alien planet environments.  Librarians can us this movie as a talking point for their DC Comic book fans and animation fans.  Hopefully, this movie will be good.  Trailers for Green Lantern have made me fairly pleased with what I have seen.


Green Lantern Marketing Delayed

According to DC’s site marketing for the Green Lantern movie has been delayed due to visual and special effects needing to get done for it’s release.  The site says that Warner Bros. is wanting Green Lantern to become a franchise property for them so the pressure is on for this movie to perform.  Link below to the full article.


DC Nation

An interesting team up that librarians might tell their readers of DC Comics and animation fans about.  On DC’s site it is reported that Warner Bros. and Cartoon Network will team up to bring about DC Nation.  When this will actually become part of Cartoon Network’s programing in 2012.  However, this will be interesting to see if DC can sustain a block of Cartoon Networks program scheduling.  Some titles mentioned was the current Young Justice series and a new Green Lantern series.  Jump over to DC’s site for the articles.



Green Lantern Animated Movie

Yahoo just released a first look at the new Green Lantern: Emerald Knights animated movie.  This is a direct to DVD and won’t be out for a while, but when it does remember to pick one up for your library.  This will appeal to your comic book and animation fans that you have in your library.