New Ghostbusters Teaser Trailer

I’m one of the few that enjoyed all of the “Ghostbusters” movies. I had fun with the new cast and old. Now we get to see another take with what is being rumored as being in the universe of the old cast with a younger crew strapping on the Packs. Here’s the teaser provided through MovieClips Trailers YouTube channel:

Ep 5 ComicPop Visits…Well BS’s with Author Susanne Lambdin

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PlayEp 5 ComicPop Visits…Well BS’s with Author Susanne Lambdin

The ComicPop Crew team up with Susanne Lambdin, author of the Dead Hearts series, for a BS session.  We get into Susanne’s novels as well as, Star Trek Beyond, Ghostbusters, Suicide Squad, and can you believe it Twilight.

Music clips used this episode:

1) “Unbelievable” featuring Hanson, Mobile Orchestra, Owl City, Republic, 2015.

2) “When Can I See You Again”, Wreck it Ralph Soundtrack, Owl City, Walt Disney Records, 2012.

Links: – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website – Susanne Lambdin’s Website – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page – Wyverns Peak Publishing Website – Vance Major’s Facebook Page – Promenade Facebook Page – Promenade-acon Facebook Page – ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel – ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page – ComicPop Library’s Facebook

Ghostbusters Trailer


Sony has finally released the first Ghostbusters trailer.  I’m still not to crazy about the strip in the uniform, but all in all it looks pretty good.  I enjoyed the Ghostbusters in the past and it looks like I’ll enjoy this one as well.  Thanks to The Ellen Show’s YouTube channel for sharing this after they premiered it during her show:

Shownotes for Episode 26 of ComicPop Library: Happy Halloween! Oh…and Sorry Mickey

1. Being Human: The Complete First Season, Entertainment One, 2011.  ASIN:  B005GP7ELM, $44.98.

2. Witch Doctor, Vol. 1: Under the Knife, Brandon Seifer, Illustrator, Lukas Ketner, Image Comics, 2011.  ISBN:  978-1607064411, $12.99.

3. “Horror Movie Song” by Cancer Killing Gemini.

Other things mentioned: “Hey Mickey”; “Witch Doctor”; LifeTime; Ghost; Harry Potter; Underworld; Twilight; Bettlejuice; H.P. Lovecraft; Civil War; Revolutionary War; Ghostbusters; True Blood; Excalibur; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Vampires; Werewolves; Faries; Crypt Keepers; Tales from the Crypt; The Vault; Comics Code Authority; EC Comics; William Gaines; Frederick Wertham; R.L. Stine; and Scooby-Doo. – Image Comics Website – SyFy Channel’s Website – Like ComicPop Library on Facebook – Link to Cancer Killing Gemini Music Alley Page

Episode 11 Shownotes

Nura:Rise of the Yokai Clan, Vol. 1, Hiroshi Shiibashi, Feb. 1, 2011, VIZ Media LLC.  ISBN: 978-1421538914, $9.99.

Glades: The Complete First Season, 20th Century Fox, Jun. 11, 2011.  ASIN: B004TJ1GY2, $39.98.

Other things mentioned in the podcast were: Monsters, Inc.; Nightmare Before Christmas; Ghostbusters; House M.D.; Stargate SG-1; Jack O’Neil; Farscape; John Crichton; Mentalist.