Pokemon GO App Coming in 2016


The Pokemon Company is developing a Pokemon App with Nintendo GAME FREAK called Pokemon GO as part of Pokemon’s 20th Anniversary in 2016.  The game will also have a Pokeman GO Plus wrist device that will notify you of activity in the game for if a Pokemon is in your area, but the device will not be a necessity to play the game.  The device is pictured above and check out the cool commercial that is available through the Official Pokemon Channel on YouTube.  I know Logan, Luis, and Jonathon, Co-Hosts of our podcasts, are going to love this:

X-Wing Force Awakens Gaming Core Set

force awakens game

Fantasy Flight Games was able to officially announce that it is releasing a Star Wars: X-Wing – The Force Awakens core gaming set.  The slated release date is for September 16, just right around the corner.  The set will include one T-70 X-Wing and two TIE/fo Fighters.  This set will also be able to be used with existing expansions and rules for squad building of the Star Wars: X-Wing game.  So keep an eye out in your gaming stores.

TMNT get HeroClixed


Wizkids is getting “Rad” with their upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HeroClix‘.  The TMNT HeroClix will be a have a verity of Turtle versions.  As you can tell from the picture above that one version is of the Original Comic Book plus other comic book, classic animation, and CG animated versions.  There will be four products gamers and collectors can purchase: Mouser Mayhem Starter Set; TMNT Fast Forces Packs; individual Foil Packs; and TMNT Dice and Token Packs.  WizKids has only stated that the TMNT HeroClix will be released in February 2016.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Trailer


For all you video gamers out there a new Sword Art Online is heading your direction.  Bandai Namco Entertainment is scheduled to release Sword Art Online: Lost Song, for the PS4 and PS Vita, November 13 for Europe and November 17 for North America.  Get you controllers warmed up to play but until then here is the trailer from Bandai’s YouTube channel:

Star Trek: Attack Wing Grows


WizKids has plans in place for new waves of Star Trek: Attack Wing in 2016.  Wave 23 will be available in February and Wave 24 in March.  Pictured above is the U.S.S. Montgolfier, which is part of wave 23 along with I.K.S. Amar and I.R.W. Jazkal.  Then wave 24 will have Assimilated Vessel 77139, I.K.S. Klothos, and I.R.W. Devoras.  Each wave will have three ships and will be at a $14.99 price point for each ship.  So enjoy the new pieces whether you just collect the miniatures for display or play.  To see images of the other five ships follow the link to ICv2 article, which has a picture gallery of them: http://icv2.com/articles/news/view/32322/star-trek-attack-wing-universe-continues-expand

Metal Gear Solid V Trailer


Are all you Snake fans ready for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  Konami is gearing up for it’s release on September 1 with sharing the video games trailer with everyone from their YouTube channel.

Gaming Diorama at GenCon


I just had to share this diorama from the 2015 GenCon, that ICv2 has on their site.  This diorama was built I believe by the company Pulposaurus Entertainment and not a gamer to help gather interest in their KickStarter for the game Conan: Rise of Monsters game they want to produce and launch.  This is just to cool looking!  If they would sell the diorama with the game I think several gamers would be interested.  If you want to check it out jump on over for more information – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2060871444/conan-rise-of-monsters?ref=nav_search

Digimon World – Next Order Teaser


If you are a Digimon World fan you will be a happy person in 2016.  Bandai Namco Entertainment has begun streaming a teaser trailer for the upcoming Digimon World – Net Order game for the Playstation Vita.

Godzilla Trailer


If you are a Kaiju fan this game is definitely for you.  Just released in the North American market is Godzilla for the PS3 and PS4 through Bandai.Namco.  Check out the trailer through their YouTube channel:

Puella Magi Madoka Magica joins Weiss Schwarz


All the TCG fans here comes the latest Weiss Schwarz booster.  The booster will feature Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie – Rebellion.  The booster set will be 100 cards, plus 22 parallels.  You can start looking for them at your local gaming stores in September.