Boy and The Beast Trailer

boy and beast

The Boy and the Beast looks like another great anime feature with a little bit of drama, action, and will pull a your heart a little.  You can pick it up now from FUNimation.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Tokyo Ghoul Season 2 Trailer

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For those that picked up the first season of Tokyo Ghoul, the second season is now available from FUNimation.  This is one that will eventually hit our collection.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Project Itoh: Harmony Trailer


The next anime film to come from Project Itoh is Harmony.  If you are one of the lucky you will actually be able to see it in the theater today or tomorrow (May 17 and 18).  Go to this website  and type in your zip code to see if it is playing in your area and set up a movie night for this evening or tomorrow.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for Harmony’s trailer:

Rage of Bahamut – Genesis Trailer


Rage of Bahamut – Genesis comes out later this month from FUNimation.  This one looks to be a fun adventure fantasy.  I’ll be checking it out for a possible for the anime collection, you might to.  Here’s the trailer from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Empire of Corpses Select Release

Empire of Corpses

Project Itoh’s The Empire of Corpses will be getting a limited release in select theaters in North America.  FUNimation will be the distributor and has scheduled April 19 and 20 for these releases, however, no theaters have been named for the release yet.  If you are in a larger metropolitan you might ask around your area and I am sure the closer it gets to the release date FUNimation will have places listed on their website.  At least I would hope so, so fans can attend.  Here is the teaser trailer that FUNimation’s YouTube channel has put out for Empire of Corpses:

Free! Eternal Summer Trailer


If you picked up the first season you will want to pick up the second season which is available through FUNimation.  Check out the Free! Eternal Summer Season 2 trailer from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Brothers Conflict Trailer


FUNimation is releasing the complete series of Brothers Conflict next month that anime fans might want to consider adding to their collection.  Thanks to Nekelen Tinsley’s YouTube channel for the following trailer:

Tokyo Ghoul Trailer

tokyo ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul has hit shelves from FUNimation.  This is one that you will want to check out first.  This is a mature title and some smaller libraries might not be able to pick it up.  It is one of the more popular dark shows at the moment.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Kingdom Trailer


Kingdom the Complete 1st Season is being distributed by FUNimation with a scheduled release date of January 26.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Haganai Trailer

Shorewood Blu-ray Ocard

The Haganai anime is getting a fresh release from FUNimation on December 8, to get everyone ready for Haganai Next.  This one is fun to watch, but it is rated MA.  You figure when you are dealing with teenagers and are going to have jokes and fan service.  Check out the trailer through FUNimation’s YouTube channel: