ComicPop Library Episode 6 Shownotes

1) Liar’s Kiss, Eric Skillman & Jhomar Soriano, 2011, Top Shelf Productions.  ISBN: 978-1603090704, $14.95.

2) Batman & Robin Vol. 1: Batman Reborn, Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely & Philip Tan, 2011, D.C. Comics.  ISBN: 978-1401229870, $14.99.

3) Beasts of Burden: Animal Rites, Evan Dorkin & Jill Thompson, 2010, Dark Horse.  ISBN: 978-1595825131, $19.99.

Quitely with CBLDF

If you are going to WonderCon stop by the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s booth, #323.  Frank Quitely and the CBLDF have joined forces and will be debuting exclusive prints and postcards by Quitely.  For a $20 donation you can get one of an unlimited full color print by Quitely.  For a $50 donation if you are one of the first 50 donors you will receive a black and white edition of the print, which will be numbered and signed by Quitely.  There will also be a two postcard sets, one set will be full color character designs and the other set will be character sketches, available for anyone making a $10 donation to the fund done by Quitely.  Only one set for the $10 donation.  Follow the link back to CBLDF’s site for the full article.