What a Sweet Death

Hello all – wanted to remind you that our largest fundraiser of the year is coming up in just a few short weeks – Death by Chocolate on Saturday, March 8.



This year all chocolate vendors are being asked to include an uncommon “special ingredient” in their offerings – you have to guess what it is…



And also note that there is “regular” food at this event – so when (if) you are ready for something non-chocolaty, we’ve got it covered with delicious food from Blue Moon Caterers and Empire Catering.



RSVP Now here: www.exploration.org/deathbychocolate


Or call 316-660-0620.



And follow the latest about Death by Chocolate on our special Facebook page here:



Check out Exploration Place this Weekend



Hello all! It’s already going to be a three day weekend coming up – and you may be looking for something to do with your kids or keep your kids busy. We’ve got two suggestions. See below for details.


Call with questions. Thanks!




1.    New film, Perfect Little Planet, in the Boeing Dome Theater and Planetarium – opens Saturday, Jan. 18. Join an alien family looking for a place to vacation. Where will they end up? Details here: http://www.exploration.org/perfect_little_planet.html


Dome prices apply (Adults: $5/Youth $3). No general museum admission needed to do the dome.


2.    School’s Out Edventures – first session is Monday, Jan. 20

For Grades K – 8, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ahoy Mateys!

Kids will set their sails for a day of pirate fun and keep their ships afloat while they dive into the science of the seven seas.


Edventure Prices:

Members: $30 per child

Nonmembers: $35 per child


Before care (7:30 – 9 a.m.)…. $5

After care (4 – 6 p.m.) …….$5

Both Before and After Care ….$8


            Must register to participate here: http://www.exploration.org/schools_out.html  Or call 316-660-0620.


Where: Exploration Place, 300 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, Kan. 67203, www.exploration.org, www.facebook.com/ExplorationPlace, Twitter: @DiscoverAtEP, www.pinterest.com/explorationpl, www.instagram.com/explorationplace

If you never been to Exploration Place, check it out it is a lot of fun for the whole family.

Happenings at Exploration Place


Hello all – keeping warm? Details on our annual holiday break workshops. Also, brief reminders on our other holiday excitement! Please call with questions. Thanks.


What: Winter Break Super STEM-tcular Edventures


When: Start Friday, Dec. 20, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Where: Exploration Place, 300 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, Kan. 67203, www.exploration.org, www.facebook.com/ExplorationPlace, Twitter: @DiscoverAtEP


Details: Keep the kids busy during winter break with these fun hands-on workshops. $30/Member; $35/Nonmember (per session). Special discount prices available.


Zany Zoology – Friday, Dec. 20

Cool Botany – Monday, Dec. 23

Awesome Aerospace – Thursday, Dec. 26

SpaceFlight Explorers – Friday, Dec. 27

Creative Chemistry – Monday, Dec. 30

Phenomenal Physics – Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014

Fun Forensics – Friday, Jan. 3, 2014

Price: Must register to participate:  http://www.exploration.org/schools_out.html

or  316-660-0620 . Member: $30 (per session), Nonmember: $35 (per session). Discounts and before/after care available.



Exploration Place’s Explore Store is THE holiday shopping headquarters for all things funky, fun and educational – we make science cool – with many new items in stock. Members get 10% off purchases now and all year long. No museum admission needed to shop the store.


-Continuing through Sunday, Dec. 29: Boeing Dome Theater’s Let It Snow http://www.exploration.org/let_it_snow.html. Also festive with the Kansas in Miniature’s Holiday Show.


-Continuing through Jan. 5: 12 Days of Science Live Science Show http://www.exploration.org/science_show.html

Exploration Place is closed in Christmas Day.

Open Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.)

Museum of the Undead

We have heard from many young adults that they are tired of going through the haunted houses and wanted something else to do for Halloween.



So we put together an event for adults 21 years or older – Museum of the Undead. It’s all about zombies, of course, which is a huge pop-culture phenomena right now. 

Details below. Please call with any questions. Thanks.



What: Museum of the Undead


When: Thursday, October 17, 6:30 to 10 p.m.



Where: Exploration Place, 300 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, Kan. 67203, www.exploration.org, www.facebook.com/ExplorationPlace, Twitter: @DiscoverAtEP


Details: A scientific experiment has gone terribly wrong and we need help taking back the museum from a zombie invasion!


Event guests will be led by “survivors” and will learn Center for Disease Control (CDC)-approved survival skills, as well as the science of virology.


All the while, guests will have to keep an eye out for any of the undead lurching about…will guests make it through unscathed??


If guests survive, they can enjoy tasty food, drinks, music and more.




On sale now at http://www.exploration.org/undead.html or  316-660-0620 




Members: $20 per person


Non-members: $25 per person


Includes two drink tickets and food, music. Cash bar available.



This is a time-ticketed event. Guests who want to go through the museum together should purchase them at the same time.




This event is for ages 21 years or older.

Christina Bluml
Director of Marketing
Exploration Place,
The Sedgwick County Science and Discovery Center
300 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS67203
Direct:  316-660-0613  / Cell:  316-650-9385 
EP Main:  316-660-0600  / FAX: 316-660-0670
cbluml@exploration.org / www.exploration.org

Ep. 9 of ComicPop Visits with Christina Bluml about Exploration Place’s Animation Exhibit


Episode 9 of ComicPop Visits –  We are back at Exploraiton Place visiting with Christina Bluml, Marketing Director.  Christina discusses Exploration Place’s latest traveling exhibit Animation featuring the Cartoon Network.  Be sure to stop by Exploration Place to enjoy this interactive exhibit which is fun for all ages, it will be in Wichita until April 28.  With Spring Break coming up in March this would be a great stop.  Now enjoy the show!


PlayEp. 9 of ComicPop Visits with Christina Bluml about Exploration Place’s Animation Exhibit


http://exploration.org/animation.html – Exploration Place’s webpage for the Animation Exhibit

https://www.facebook.com/ExplorationPlace?ref=ts&fref=ts – Like Exploration Place’s Facebook page

http://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?pageNum_MusicList=11&totalRows_MusicList=120&BandHash=fa9c770f9ad2c8ef4db39f8816e2cdca – “The Cartoon Network” by Sounda on MusicAlley

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – Like ComicPop Library’s Facebook page

Shownotes for Episode 24 of ComicPop Library: She’s a Baby Rhinoceros

1. Prydwen: Gods and Monsters, Vol. 1, Lynn Hogan, SofaWolf Press, 2012.  ISBN: 978-193668917-0, $19.95.

2. Fallen Skies: Complete First Season, TNT, 2012.  ASIN: B004LROMWU, $39.98.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


4. http://www.prydwen.paperfangs.com/ – Website for the webcomic Prydwen.  This used to be deadbeatgods.com.

Other items mentioned: Puss in Boots; Crisis; Final Fantasy VII; Chickapoo; Percy Jackson; Nordguard; Christina Bluml, Exploration Place; Videotopia; PacMan; TNT It’s Dynamite; Noah Wylie; The Librarian; MechWarrior; Robocop; Terminator; Star Wars action figures; Kamehameha Wave; DragonBall Z; DragonBall Kia; Adventure Time; Jersey Shore; Independence Day; Deliverance; and Pretty Little Liars.

Episode 3 of ComicPop Visits with Christina Bluml of Exploration Place

Richard visits with Christina Bluml, Director of Marketing, of Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.  They discuss the recently installed “Videotopia” exhibit, where you can see and play video games.  This is the first of three visits at Exploration Place.  The other visits will be spread out over the coming months.  Don’t forget if you are interested in the Mixer go to their website to purchase tickets (if not sold out) for this Friday night, October 12.

PlayEpisode 3 of ComicPop Visits with Christina Bluml, of Explortion Place

http://exploration.org/mixplore.html for Mixer tickets

http://www.facebook.com/ExplorationPlace like Exploration Place on Facebook

http://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts like ComicPop Library on Facebook

http://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?pageNum_MusicList=34&totalRows_MusicList=646&BandHash=53ed9999937c75761728272156dc002c – The FuMP: The Super Epic Video Game Medley II: Championship Edition