Episode 25 of ComicPop Library: We’re Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse

In this episode we review and discuss Spider Robinson’s Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon and Marina and the Diamonds’ album Electra Heart.  And some how zombies get worked in.

PlayEpisode 25 of ComicPop Library: We’re Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse


www.marinaandthediamonds.com – Marina and the Diamonds website

www.facebook.com/marinaandthediamonds – Like Marina and the Diamonds on Facebook

www.spiderrobinson.com – Spider Robinson’s website

 www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474 – Like ComicPop Library on Facebook

Shownotes for Episode 24 of ComicPop Library: She’s a Baby Rhinoceros

1. Prydwen: Gods and Monsters, Vol. 1, Lynn Hogan, SofaWolf Press, 2012.  ISBN: 978-193668917-0, $19.95.

2. Fallen Skies: Complete First Season, TNT, 2012.  ASIN: B004LROMWU, $39.98.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


4. http://www.prydwen.paperfangs.com/ – Website for the webcomic Prydwen.  This used to be deadbeatgods.com.

Other items mentioned: Puss in Boots; Crisis; Final Fantasy VII; Chickapoo; Percy Jackson; Nordguard; Christina Bluml, Exploration Place; Videotopia; PacMan; TNT It’s Dynamite; Noah Wylie; The Librarian; MechWarrior; Robocop; Terminator; Star Wars action figures; Kamehameha Wave; DragonBall Z; DragonBall Kia; Adventure Time; Jersey Shore; Independence Day; Deliverance; and Pretty Little Liars.

Episode 2 of ComicPop Visits with Six60’s Chris Mac


Welcome to Episode 2 of ComicPop Visits.  In this episode we visit with Chris Mac the Bass/Synth player of the New Zealand based band Six60.  The visit was done through Skype and with us being in Kansas and Chris in New Zealand we had a few fades, but I believe everyone will be able to understand what was said.  Six60 will be touring the North American region starting October 2.  To get a schedule of their tour dates you can see them below or go to their site www.six60.co.nz, to purchase tickets.  If you can’t get to one of their shows be sure to visit their “Shop” link or iTunes to purchase their self titled debut album.  It was great visiting with Chris so set back and enjoy our visit.

PlayEpisode 2 of ComicPop Visits with Six60’s Chris Mac

North America Tour 2012


Tues-Oct-2                           Bellingham WA – The Roost
118 Franklin St, Bellingham
      Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/265335

Wed-Oct-03                         Vancouver BC – The Railway Club
579 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver,
      Tickets: http://northerntickets.com/events.php?s=six60&x=0&y=0

Thu-Oct-04                           Portland OR – White Eagle Saloon
836 N. Russell St.  Portland
      Tickets: http://www.cascadetickets.com/apps/calendar

Sat-Oct-06                           San Francisco CA – Hotel Utah
500 4th Street  San Francisco

Sun-Oct-07                          Silverlake, Los Angeles  CA – The Bootleg
2220 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles
      Tickets: http://www..ticketfly.com/event/144969/

Wed-Oct-10                         Brooklyn NY – Union Hall
702 Union Street, Brooklyn
      Tickets: http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?

Fri-Oct-12                            Hartford CT – Arch Street Tavern
85 Arch Street, Hartford

Sat-Oct-13                           Portland ME – venue tbc


Sun-Oct-14                          Boston MA – The Great Scott                                    1222 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston




Episode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More of Me…Noo!

Episode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More Me..Noo! is up and ready for your listening pleasure.  In this episode the crew is joined by Andy as we review and discuss the Free to Play, Pay to Win online games World of Tanks and Combat Arms and the first two graphic novels of Morning Glories written by Nick Spencer and art by Joe Eisma.

PlayEpisode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More Me..Noo!

Episode 1 of ComicPop Visits with SofaWolf Press

Join the crew as we visit with Jeff Eddy (President) and Dale Trexel (Vice-President) of SolfWolf Press, Inc., home of the Hugo Award winning graphic novel Digger.


PlayEpisode 1 of ComicPop Visits with SofaWolf Press


SofaWolf Press, Inc’s webpage


Intro and Outro “Catch the Wolf” performed by JAB Just Another Band


Shownotes Episode 21: And Another Thing


1. John Carpenter’s The Thing, directed by John Carpenter, starring Kurt Russel, Blu-Ray, Universal Studios, 2008.  ASIN: B001CW7ZWG, $14.98.

2. The Thing, directed by Matthiji van Heijiningen Jr., starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Blu-Ray/DVD, Universal Studios, 2012.  ASIN: B0067QPVD2, $34.98.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


Other things mention were: Star Wars; Alien; Escape from New York; Escape from L.A.; AVP; Predator; Hellraiser; Terminator 2; Terminator T3; Archer; Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination; Survivors; Nordguard: Across Thin Ice; Jeffrey Eddy, President; SofaWolf Press, Inc.; Erin Hunter; 501st; 70th Explorers Garrison; Exploration Place

Episode 21 of ComicPop Library: “And Another Thing”

Part 2 of The Thing review and discussion.  Join us this episode as we look at 1982’s John Carpenter’s The Thing, starring Kurt Russell and directed by John Carpenter, and 2011’s The Thing, starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and directed by Matthiji van Heijiningen Jr.  We also have E-mails!  One from Charlene, about the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination Exhibit and then a really cool one from Jeffrey Eddy, President of SofaWolf Press, Inc.

PlayEpisode 21 ComicPop Library: And Another Thing

Shownotes for Episode 20: One Little Thing


1. Who Goes There, John W. Campbell, 2009, Rocket Ride Books.  ISBN: 978-0982332207, $15.95.

2. The Thing From Another World, Director Christian Nyby, 2003, Turner Home Entertainment.  ASIN: B0009NHC0, between $6.00 – $14.00.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


Other things mentioned were: Larry Niven; William Gibson; Robert Heinlein; Jules Verne; Leonardo da Vinci; James Arness; Jo; Wendy; Friends of Kansas Libraries; Kansas Library Conference; John Campbell Jr.; Kim Jong-il; Matt Dillion; Topeka; Korea; iPad; Firefox; Explorer; 501st; Boogie Man; World War I; Thought Experiment; “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”; Wright Brothers; Ebay; Classic Science Fiction; Classic Horror; Being Human; Day the Earth Stood Still; Protector; Stranger In a Strange Land; Gulliver’s Travels; Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Gunsmoke; Planet of the Apes; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Sly Cooper; Neromancer; Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests; and Father of Modern Science Fiction.

Episode 10, Neuromancer review: http://comicpoplibrary.com/news/episode-10-of-comicpop-library/

Episode 15, Protector review: http://comicpoplibrary.com/news/episode-15-of-comicpop-library-its-a-plucked-big-bird/

Episode 16.5, Kansas Library Conference Interviews: http://comicpoplibrary.com/news/episode-16-5-2012-kansas-library-association-conference-interviews/