Dragon Age Trailer

Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker will be one you will want to place in your libraries.  It not only has the anime crowd that will be interested, but the gaming crowd as well.  This film is the prequel to Dragon Age II video game by BioWare and Electronic Arts.  FUNimation is distributing the movie in the North American market and has it scheduled for release on May 29.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer.

Movie Pics of Green Lantern

ICv2’s site, linked below, has given us some pictures of Ryan Reynolds in his computer generated Green Lantern costume.  Not the worst CGI I’ve seen.  Quite a bit of this movie will probably be CGI because of the aliens and space & alien planet environments.  Librarians can us this movie as a talking point for their DC Comic book fans and animation fans.  Hopefully, this movie will be good.  Trailers for Green Lantern have made me fairly pleased with what I have seen.
