“Flying” Trailer


This one might hit some fancies out there.  Flying by Carrie Jones looks to be a mixture of Buffy and Daniel X, so it might be kind of fun.  Thanks to TorForge’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Another Zombie Themed Game

Warner Bros. is bring the world of gaming Lollipop Zombie later this year.  This game is definitely not for children.  However, for your older gamers (16 and up) will probably get a kick out of this game.  It is reminiscent of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.  It has the cheerleader aspect, but with zombies not vampires.  While it is a horror game it is full of funny dialogue.  Thanks to YouTuber “gamespot” for the trailer below.

Be warned though this trailer contains some language, partial nudity and gory situations.


Dark Horse is Taking a Survey

Head on over to Dark Horse Comics site, linked below, to possibly win a Buffy Trade.  Dark Horse is taking a product survey that is six questions in length and the sixth is providing your E-mail to be entered into a contest were three participants will win a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 – Last Gleaming graphic novel.  Not to bad a deal for just taking a few minutes out of your day.  If you win you could put the book in your library’s collection, your personal collection or use it as a giveaway during a program in your library.  Dark Horse would appreciate the feedback which helps them in making marketing and production decisions.


Attention ALA Attendees!

If anyone is going to the American Library Association Conference this week (June 24-27) be sure to look for booth #1760.  This booth will be the Great Graphic Novel Library Giveaway were winners will receive Dark Horse comics entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer library and other graphic novels to total over 700 hand picked graphic novels, fixtures and furniture.  Sign-up for the drawing will begin June 24 and go through June 26.  The winning library will be drawn Monday June 27, at 9:30 a.m.  This contest will be open to any public, school, and academic libraries that attend the conference.  Dark Horse will also have a presence at Diamond Distributors booth #1740.  Everyone enjoy the conference and good luck.  The winner most be present to win.
