DeMode’s latest “Heavy Hearts” Ft. Eric Rickey


DeModa is sharing his talents with ComicPop Library again.  If you are into the Electro/Synth DeModa’s latest single “Heavy Hearts” will be for you.  The single also features Eric Rickey of Rabid Youth.  This is one that will get your blood pumping.  Thanks again to DeModa and check out “Heavy Hearts” through SoundCloud – Richard:

Wired Minds’ Gives us a “Strange Kind of Love”

museWired Minds

Wired Minds is sharing with the ComicPop Library listeners their music video for the single “Strange Kind of Love”.  The video has a retro feel to it and the single itself does as well.  Wired Minds’ comes to us from across the pond with their sound, which when I first heard their lyrics come in, really hit a strong 1980’s vibe and more specifically a David Bowie vibe.  So good company there.  Enjoy Wired Minds’ “Strange Kind of Love” music video from Christian Volpe’s YouTube channel – Richard: