Dragon Age Trailer

Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker will be one you will want to place in your libraries.  It not only has the anime crowd that will be interested, but the gaming crowd as well.  This film is the prequel to Dragon Age II video game by BioWare and Electronic Arts.  FUNimation is distributing the movie in the North American market and has it scheduled for release on May 29.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer.

Mass Effect Video

This is for all your Mass Effect fans and video gamers in general.  T.O. Entertainment began streaming the video below in preparation for the release of T.O. Entertainment, Production I.G. and distributor FUNimation Entertainment of Mass Effect: Paragon Lost anime.  There is no set release date yet, but this is libraries will want to consider adding to their animation collection.  Based on BioWare’s popular Mass Effect role playing game, Paragon Lost will be a prequel for the video game Mass Effect 3.  Thanks to T.O. Entertainment and AnimeNews Network for the video below.

FUNimation gets Mass Effect

Libraries that have an anime fan base and gaming fan base will want to keep this title on their radar.  BioWare has announced that FUNimation and the Japanese studio T.O. Entertainment will be teaming up to bring out a Mass Effect anime movie.  Production is already in motion and they are aiming for a Summer 2012 release to DVD.  Follow the link back to Anime News Network’s site, for the full article.
