Episode 7 of ComicPop Visits about Banned Books with Susan Brown

In this episode the ComicPop Crew visit with Susan Brown, the Marketing Director, of the Lawrence Public Library.  We discuss banned books and the Banned Book Trading Card Contest/Event her library did for Banned Book Week of 2012.


PlayEpisode 7 of ComicPop Visits about Banned Books with Susan Brown


http://www.lawrence.lib.ks.us/ – Website for Lawrence Public Library

http://www.lawrence.lib.ks.us/2012/09/collect-all-seven/ – Webpage to purchase the Lawrence Public Library Banned Book Week Trading Cards

http://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=c5ab51419d807dc2988b3146ed55458b – Paisley Riot “Books That You Once Read”