Ep 11 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Maid-Sama!, Vol. 1 – 2”


PlayEp 11 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Maid-Sama!”

Join April, Lenny, Jonathon, Logan, and Richard as they transfer to Seika High and meet Misaki and Takumi.  Along with Takumi, the ComicPop Crew, find out about Misaki’s secret….What could it be as we discuss Maid-Sama! by Hiro Fujiwara.

Here is another fun filled episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Maid-Sama! 2-in-1 Edition, Hiro Fujiwara, Viz Media, 2015.  ISBN: 978-1421581309, $14.99.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “My Secret”, Mizumo Saaya, Kaichou wa Maid Sama Opening Song, 2010.


http://www.viz.com/ – Viz Media’s Webpage.

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialVIZMedia/?fref=ts – Viz Media’s Facebook Page

http://fieldhousebook.com/ – Scott Novosel’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/fieldhouse.book?fref=ts – Scott Novosel’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook

Ep 42 ComicPop Visits with Rhonda Rees about Book Piracy Pt. 2


PlayEp 42 ComicPop Visits with Rhonda Rees about Book Piracy, Pt 2

Join the ComicPop Crew in our second part of our visit with Rhonda Rees of Rhonda Rees PR.  Rhonda is the author of Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success, which was pirated.  With her recent accolades: Publicist of the Year from the Book Publicists of Southern California; an IRWIN Award (Industry Recognition of Writers in the News); and most recently Rhonda has been the recipient of the Publicist of the Year Award from the Bulldog Reporter, she has set about to educate the industry on the real threat of book piracy that exists not only for the big press, but for the small press as well.

Thank you again to Rhonda for visiting with us.  It was a pleasure and we look forward to visiting with her again.  We have her title, Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success, that she is graciously allowing us to read and then get back with her to visit specifically about her book and the Public Relations field.

Music Drops:

1) “London, 1856 – A Steampunk Orchestra”, Epic Adventure Music, Walid Feghalis, 2011.


http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2016/03/10/crusade-against-online-piracy/id=66902/ – Rhonda Rees’ latest article on IP Watchdog

http://rhondarees.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Website

http://www.rhondareespr.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

http://www.aseitypress.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Publishing Company

http://walidfeghali.com/ – Walid Feghalis’ Website

http://soldatnordsken.deviantart.com/ – Walid Feghalis’ Deviant Art Page

http://www.soundcloud.com/walidfeghali – Walid Feghalis’ SoundCloud Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 41 ComicPop Visits with Rhonda Rees about Book Piracy, Pt 1

comicpoplogo-facebook2Rhonda Rees Award

PlayEp 41 ComicPop Visits with Rhonda Rees about Book Piracy

The ComicPop Crew had the pleasure of visiting with Rhonda Rees on a topic she has had personal experience with, in part 1 of our interview.  Rhonda is the author of Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success, which was pirated.  With her recent accolades: Publicist of the Year from the Book Publicists of Southern California; an IRWIN Award (Industry Recognition of Writers in the News); and most recently Rhonda has been the recipient of the Publicist of the Year Award from the Bulldog Reporter, she has set about to educate the industry on the real threat of book piracy that exists not only for the big press, but for the small press as well.

Many thanks to Rhonda for taking the time from her busy schedule to visit with ComicPop Library we had a fun time.  Stay tuned for the second part that will forth coming.

Music Drops:

1) “London, 1856 – A Steampunk Orchestra”, Epic Adventure Music, Walid Feghalis, 2011.


http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2016/03/10/crusade-against-online-piracy/id=66902/ – Rhonda Rees’ latest article on IP Watchdog

http://rhondarees.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Website

http://www.rhondareespr.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

http://www.aseitypress.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Publishing Company

http://walidfeghali.com/ – Walid Feghalis’ Website

http://soldatnordsken.deviantart.com/ – Walid Feghalis’ Deviant Art Page

http://www.soundcloud.com/walidfeghali – Walid Feghalis’ SoundCloud Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

MOXXI’s Single “Ransom”


MOXXI is a very unique individual, and am I the only one that thinks of YouTube’s Boxxy whenever you say her name? lol Anyways, I thought MOXXI’s song “Ransom” was overall very good. Usually I’m not a fan of electronic music but because this song had a lower sound to it I really enjoyed it. MOXXI herself I was torn about; I didn’t mind her voice not being as clear because the music was clear and she sang in a comfortable register but I couldn’t understand her words. The vibe for “Ransom” was also a little confusing and I didn’t enjoy it very much. I couldn’t make sense of the video but I think if I understood MOXXI’s words it would make more sense.

– April B.

This song is definitely one you will hear at a nightclub.  MOXXI, I believe is intentionally blending her voice with the music.  It doesn’t sound bad, but it does make it hard to hear the lyrics as April commented on. – Richard

The video for “Ransom” is for limited distribution so we can’t show it here, but if you want to listen to the song and watch the music video you can find it on YouTube.