Barnes & Noble Strikes Back

According to ICv2, Barnes & Noble are retaliating against DC Comics for giving Amazon exclusive digital content on some of DC’s graphic novel backlist.  It is being reported that Barnes & Noble is pulling 100 of DC’s backlist titles from their brick and mortar stores.  This is in effort to show DC and other publishers in the future that stores do not appreciate a publisher giving exclusive deals to specific competitors.  After the last quarter is report for DC sales, we will see if this hurts their sales numbers or not.

Charity Book on Kindle

If any of your patrons still want to give to the Japanese Society after the earthquake you might want to tell them about this possibility.  The Amazon Kindle Store has an 84 page charity book featuring Gurren Lagann entitled “Believe in Yourself”.  It sells for $9.99 and the proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society to assist in the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network for this information.