AERS EP Blue Tempest is Available

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AERS EP, Blue Tempest, is now available for download.  Check out your music download sites to purchase this interesting album.  You can go back and search in our feed for some of their singles. – Richard

Aers’ Music Video for Their Single “With a Light”

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The first thing I noticed-before the video even began- was that it was roughly a 5 minute song, with that much time to fill it better be good. Sadly, I wasn’t over the moon for Aers. Their intro was very melodic and interesting but the voice plus the slow tempo didn’t do it for me. The voice is too flowy and to me sounded like a bad trip off mushrooms because it was injected with so many voice changes, the saddest part is that through all of that I can hear a really great voice if they wouldn’t doctor it up so much or even not at all. The tempo dragged the song on and I was leaning forward but not in the good way- I was leaning over to try to get the song to go faster. It seemed strange at such a slow tempo and was almost painstakingly slow. If Aers upped the tempo and took out all the voice modifiers I would definitely give them another listen to.

-April B.

Check out “With the Light” Music Video from AERS YouTube channel, it might be right up your alley:

AERS Blows in With “Blue Tempest”

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The beginning of “Blue Tempest” has a very peaceful sound and I enjoyed the acoustic guitar playing above it, however, I’m not sure I feel the same way about the vocals. Since the music is more subdued the vocalist should have a stronger, purer sound. The wispy psychedelic feeling of the vocals honestly put me off. At around three quarters of the way through the song the vocalist got a little clearer but I still think it should’ve been a little more and carried throughout the whole song. The instrumentals are beautiful-especially at the end with the low note fading out. If AERS works out the vocals they will easily become a favorite to me and I don’t doubt to a lot of other people.

– April B.

Oh wow this is one of those serine songs. I can see why this would not appeal to most teens. I see “Blue Tempest” appealing to your upper college age and adult listeners that just want to relax and let go for a while. This definitely won’t appeal to everyone, but listen below through SoundCloud to see if you might like “Blue Tempest” and AERS. – Richard