Episode 16.5: 2012 Kansas Library Association Conference Interviews

In this special episode of ComicPop Library, Richard has edited together six interviews from the recent 2012 Kansas Library Association’s Annual Conference.  Richard was able to speak with: Kansas State Librarian Jo Budler; representatives from the Friends of Kansas Libraries; presenters from the “Steampunk Catalog” and “I Geek” panels; a representative from the Kansas Library Association Educational Foundation; and Comic Book Creators Matt Upson and Mike Hall.


PlayEpisode 16.5: 2012 Kansas Library Association Conference Interviews


Friends of Kansas Libraries: http://www.fokl.net/

Kansas Library Association Educational Foundation: http://kslibassoc.org/home/foundation-2/

Geek the Library: http://get.geekthelibrary.org/

Mike Hall: http://cmichaelhall.com/

Matt Upson: http://upsonlibrarian.weebly.com/index.html


Steampunk Catalog – Ann O’Neill: aoneill@emporia.edu


Getting Back in the Groove

I have been away at the 2012 Kansas Library Association Conference this last week.  That is why there were no posts and part if not most of today will be catching up in the office.  The site will be back on track if not by this afternoon then tomorrow.  Thanks to every0ne for their patience.