Graphic Novel Removed from Reading List

The Enfield, Connecticut, Board of Education has removed Matthew Loux’s graphic novel Sidescrollers from the ninth grade Summer reading list.  It was removed after a parent complained about the titles use of profanity and sexual references.  This is one for libraries to pay heed to because it shows that a well received title can still be challenged.  Sidescrollers was a 2008 Young Adult Library Services Associations “Great Graphic Novels for Teens” list and Publisher’s Weekly praised it in it’s review.  It is unclear if the Board removed it without review or if they removed it to pend review per their policy.  Follow the link below to Comic Book Legal Defense Funds site for more information.

Maximum Ride’s End

James Patterson has released his last book in the Maximum Ride series, Nevermore.  I hope your library’s are prepared for your Young Adult community’s interest and I must say we have quite a few adults reading this series as well.  Thanks to LittleMizzBrownEye and YouTube for the trailer:

Congratulations to SofaWolf!

Congratulations to the crew at SofaWolf Press.  This year they had two of their titles up for awards.  Teagan Gavet was nominated for the 2012 Russ Manning Award for her work on Nordguard: Across Thin Ice and Ursula Vernon won the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story for her work, Digger.  To check out the website follow the link below for these titles and for all of SofaWolf’s other titles:

Return of the Duelist

For libraries that have Yu-Gi-Oh gaming there’s a new box coming out, Yu-Gi-Oh: Return of the Duelist.  The pack is scheduled for release on September 25.  It will come with three booster packs and 1 or 2 super rare cards, either “T.G. Hyper Librarian” or “Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction” card.  The suggested retail price will be $9.99.  Let your TCG gamers now so they can start looking for the boxes or this could be something the library uses as a give-away during one of the your Yu-Gi-Oh gaming events.

Sherlock Manga in the Works

The re-imagined Sherlock Holmes on BBC is getting a manga adaptation in Young Ace, a manga anthology magazine.  Jay will be the creator behind the manga.  At this time no North American publisher has picked up the rights to print the collected editions, if it makes it that far in Japan.  However, if it is a hit in Japan and is collected, I personally can’t see a publisher passing this up.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Lili Haydn Gives Us Some Violin Music



AMV Spotlight of the Week

This weeks spotlight is on YouTuber devotfeige.  This individual takes the song “Moves Like Jagger” performed by Maroon 5, featuring Christina Aguilera and edits in scenes from the new Sherlock series on BBC.  “Moves Like Jagger” has been an infectious song since it first came out, but marrying it to Sherlock you would not think it would work.  For some reason it does.  Each time I watch this AMV I enjoy it.  It helps that I like the song and the new Sherlock.  The editing together of the scenes is done well and images are used that pretty well match the song lyrics.  Fun all the way around, great job devotfeige.  You can check out the AMV on YouTube under “Sherlock: Moves Like Jagger” and it is also below:

Walking Dead Season 3 trailer

Season 3 of Walking Dead hits airwaves this October.  Be sure to check your local listings for specific date and time.  Thanks to televisionpromos and YouTube for the following trailer: