New Yu-Gi-Oh Title

If your library has been keeping up with all the Yu-Gi-Oh! titles you will want to add this one to your lists to purchase, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Vol. 1 is now available for purchase, published by Viz Media.

New Kingdom Hearts

If your library has a gaming collection you will probably want to add this to your purchase orders.  Kingdom Hearts 3D (Dream, Drop, Distance) will be available in the European market July 20 and then in the North American market July 31.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer:

Snow White and the Huntsman Trailer

Today is the release of Snow White and the Huntsman.  This might be interesting, especially those that are interested in Folklore.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

Marvel RPG Play

For libraries that have a collection of roleplaying books here are three more you will want to add to your collection.  Margaret Weis’ Productions who brings us Marvel Heroic Roleplaying will be releasing this summer three new supplements.  The three titles are: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – 50 States Initiative; Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – Young Avengers/Runaways; and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – X-Men.  Each supplement will be a 128 page book with an MSRP of $19.99.

Expansion to “Aftermath”


Here is some news for all your patrons that are into trading card games.  Cryptozoic Entertainment will be releasing The World of WarCraft: Aftermath expansion set Tomb of the Forgotten on June 12th.  The expansion set will be available in packs of 15 cards with 70 Common, 60 Uncommon, 8 Hero, 60 Rare, and 10 Epic cards to complete the set.  The suggested MSRP will be $3.99 per pack.