Having some fun with Food

The Belgian fast food chain “Quick” is having fun with their hamburgers with the upcoming release of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3-D.  They are having for a limited time three Star Wars inspired burgers costumers can choose from.  The Dark Burger along with the two pictured above the Dark Vador Burger and Jedi Burger.  Some will say this is ridiculous, but I say have some fun in your life.


Library Blocking Websites

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) has posted a report that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit against the Salem Public Library in eastern Missouri for unconstitutionally blocking religious websites.  This particular library has deemed it necessary to block Native American and Wicca websites, that give information about both religions, based on being “occult” or  “criminal”.  Read the article at CBLDF’s website linked below or the full notice at ACLU’s website linked below:



Bandai Pulling Back

Bandai Entertainment has announced that the company will cease releasing anime and manga in North America effective the end of January.

Anime Titles Cancelled:

Turn-A Gundam; Nichijou; and Gosick

Manga Titles Cancelled:

Kannagi Vol. 4-6; Code Geass: Renya; Gurren Lagann Vol. 7; Gundam 001; Lucky Star Boo Boo Kagaboo; Nichijou Manga; Code Geass r2 Novels; and Tales of the Abyss: Jade Vol. 1-2


Are Your Blades Sharpened

Blade the anime series will begin airing January 13 on G4.  This will appeal to your Marvel comic book fans and Japanese anime fans, so be sure to pass the news along.  Thanks to ICv2 and YouTuber azraelknightify for the trailer.