Warner & DC Comics Providing Content to Digital Platform

ICv2 is reporting that DC Comics and their parent company Warner Bros. are producing a live action Titans television series and will bring back the Young Justice animated series.  This will be done on a new DC branded direct-to-consumer digital platform and will debut in 2018.  This is great and I hope they will put them out to market for consumers to purchase to place within libraries for all of us that can’t afford all this different digital platforms that all the companies are starting up, because you know their will probably be a fee.

Ep 42 Oooh, I’m Going to Get Personal, ComicPop Library


PlayEp 42 Oooh, I’m Going to Get Personal, ComicPop Library

In this episode Matt leads us in a discussion on the documentary Bully, directed by Lee Hirsch.  Then April brings the digital music of Metropolis America, to the table, for the ComicPop Crew to discuss.

So join us for another fun episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this Episode:

1. Bully, Lee Hirsch, Starz/Anchor Bay, 2013.   ASIN: B00A4TMLKE, $19.98.

2. Metropolis America, 2013.  Musicdownload at http://metropolisamerica.com/.


http://www.thebullyproject.com/ – The Bully Project Website

https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bully-Project/180842835302007 – National Bully Project Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-BULLY-Project-Kansas/604995262854582 – Kansas Bully Project Facebook Page (you can look for individual state Bully Project Facebook Pages)

http://metropolisamerica.com/ – Metropolis America’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/MetropolisAmerica – Metropolis America’s Facebook Page

http://www.everfoundmusic.com/ – Everfound’s Webpage

https://www.facebook.com/everfound – Everfound’s Facebook Page

http://www.dcpl.info/?cat=19 – Dodge City Public Library Podcast Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library Facebook page.



Episode 18 Shownotes


1. Young Justice: Season 1, Volume 1, Warner Home Video, 2011.  ASIN: B004Z6N7UA, $14.97.

2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Deluxe 25th Anniversary Edition, Douglas Adams, Crown, 2004.   ISBN: 978-1400052936, $35.00.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


Other things mentioned: Justice League; Super Friends; My Favorite Martian; Ren & Stimpy; Bevis & Butthead; Adventure Time; Teen Titans; Heavy Metal; AquaTeen Hunger Force; Archer; The Office; Friends; Dr. Who; Keeping Up Appearances; Grape Ape; Wonder Twins; PBS; BBC America and Graham Norton Show.

Fun Young Justice AMV

Here is an AMV that I really enjoy on YouTube.  The contributor is xXTess4evaXx and is under the query “We Are Young — YOUNG JUSTICE”.  “We Are Young” is performed by 3Oh!3, which is a great song. Tell your patrons to search under either the contributor or the AMV title to find it on YouTube.  It is also below for all to enjoy.  Great job xXTess4evaXx.

Young Justice on DVD

DC Comics is announcing that the Young Justice animated series, Season 1 Volume 1, will be available on DVD on July 19.  If your not the one who submits orders for the library, let that individual know that you want to add this title to your library’s Animation Section.  Follow the link to DC’s article.


DC Nation

An interesting team up that librarians might tell their readers of DC Comics and animation fans about.  On DC’s site it is reported that Warner Bros. and Cartoon Network will team up to bring about DC Nation.  When this will actually become part of Cartoon Network’s programing in 2012.  However, this will be interesting to see if DC can sustain a block of Cartoon Networks program scheduling.  Some titles mentioned was the current Young Justice series and a new Green Lantern series.  Jump over to DC’s site for the articles.

