Ep 39 ComicPop Visits with Rene Perez, Director of the Upcoming film “Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust” Pt 2

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PlayEp 39 ComicPop Visits with Rene Perez, Director of the Upcoming film “Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust” Pt 2

Going to be in meetings all day and wanted to make sure this got up for everyone.  A huge thank you to Rene for rescheduling the second part of this visit.  Very kind gentleman and we had a fun time visiting with him.

Rene Perez joins the ComicPop Crew again for the second part of our visit with him.  This go around we visit about Rene’s Star Trek: Rebirth fan comic, his plans for a Star Trek fan short film, and watching films correctly, especially his upcoming Playing with Dolls sequel Bloodlust.

Oh and Skype was so much kinder to us for this visit.

Music Drops Used:

1) “Scary Music”, theistobias, YouTube, 2010.

2) “Spine Chiller (scary music)”, Black Metal Dash, YouTube, 2011.


https://www.facebook.com/rene.perez.idic – Rene Perez’ Facebook Page.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/rene-perez-931aa034 – Rene Perez’ LinkedIn Page.

http://www.idicentertainment.com/ – iDiC Entertainment Website (Rene Perez)

http://www.cmichaelhall.com/ – C. Michael Hall’s Website for Atomic Raygun Comics

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 38 ComicPop Visits with the Director of “A Good Day to Die”, Rene Perez Pt. 1

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PlayEp 38 ComicPop Visits with the Director of “A Good Day to Die”, Rene Perez Pt. 1

Rene Perez, the director of A Good Day to Die and the upcoming Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust films joins the ComicPop Crew for a great visit.  We ahve fun discussing the film industry, his films, and a teaser for a person project of Rene’s.

This Visit took place right after a winter storm and Rene was a trooper with the difficulties we had with Skype for Part 1 of the interview, Michelle said it added character to the episode.  For the second part he was gracious enough to connect with us on a different night, however for Part 1 we powered through and still had a fun time!

Music Drops Used:

1) “Scary Music”, theistobias, YouTube, 2010.

2) “Spine Chiller (scary music)”, Black Metal Dash, YouTube, 2011.


https://www.facebook.com/rene.perez.idic – Rene Perez’ Facebook Page.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/rene-perez-931aa034 – Rene Perez’ LinkedIn Page.

http://www.idicentertainment.com/ – iDiC Entertainment Website (Rene Perez)

http://yvonneventresca.com/ – Yvonne Ventresca’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/yvonne.ventresca.3?fref=ts – Yvonne Ventresca’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page