Our friend Vance Major is the producer of the upcoming Star Trek fan film Melbourne. Many of you will know that CBS/Paramount is in a heated lawsuit with the fan film Axanar, hopefully to be resolved soon. However, Vance has notified us that the backer of the fan film Axanar, Alec Peters, has listed fan film directors and producers as signing on with a set of fan film guidelines that Mr. Peters, of Axanar has set forth.
According to Vance this is far from the truth. He wants to set the record straight and has provided for us the website Moby’s where he has provided his response to Mr. Peters. Here is Vance’s excerpt:
I’ve been involved with Starbase Studios since December of 2013, and with Starship Valiant as a main cast member early on. When I decided to start my own production with Melbourne I knew that I would have obstacles. But nothing has put any of the productions in jeopardy like this whole business
of Axanar.
I’ve never gone on record to bash anyone, I’ve nothing against Mr Peters, nor his production. But it seems as if every time there is some calming of the storm, something associated with him kicks the hornets nest. It’s hard to tell what’s the truth because nothing adds up. He does not speak for any of us in Melbourne. I make fan films. I work 72 hours a week and drive 4 hours to the studio to film. When I filmed with Starship Valiant in the sickbay scene, I was up for 36 hours before finally getting to sleep. I did everything out of passion. Not a paycheck.
I may lose fans or friends and I’m fine with that, but what he’s done has made things worse for those of us who just want to make some fun trek for ourselves. I’ve seen the vile talk from both sides of the Axanar side, and honestly that’s not what we should be doing. That’s not how we should be treating each other. We make fan films. We should have no agenda. We should have no hidden motive. We’re should just be living our dream. I speak for myself, and my film. No one speaks for me.
The website also has other friends of ours giving their responses about this situation from Starship Valiant and Starbase Studios. Here is the direct link to the article to read other responses from fan film directors and producers:
Thanks to Vance Major for sharing this with ComicPop to let our listeners know what has been transpiring in the world of Star Trek fan films and that some fan film directors and producers back CBS/Paramount in this matter instead of Axanar.