More Exploration Place


One of the Hands-On Stations at Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.  This station has three different locals that attendees can enter act with (That’s April and Logan, part of the ComicPop Library team, in the second picture).  Each station is different.  They stations themes are: Moisture Farm; Mos Eisley; and Jawa Village.  You have a variety of plates that you place in front of a scanner and it will tell you what the plate represents.  It then puts the image of the plate up on the computer screen around your environment.  You then place the images on different places on the turn table to make a functioning environment.  Depending on your placement of the plates will determine if your economy good, social aspects are good, and conflict is minimal or viceversa.  So if your looking for a fun event to do this Summer, stop by the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.

Episode 17.5 of ComicPop Library: Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison Visit



Richard and Matt are at Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.  During our visit we had the pleasure of visiting with three members of the costuming group Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison: Kerry Ellison (Jango Fett); Jenny Angel (Zam Wessel); and Phil Harley (Tusken Raider).

PlayEpisode 17.5: Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison Visit

Exploration Place Trip

Matt and I just got back from the Media Day and Opening Day of Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.  We had a great time.  We have several pictures that will be uploaded over the next several days, if not weeks and some special podcasts over the exhibit and the regional 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison.

We start the pictures with the one above which is of course the droids and Princess Leia’s costume from Star Wars: A New Hope.

Exploration Place’s Opening Weekend of Star Wars Exhibit

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

This weekend Matt and Richard will be at the opening weekend of “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination”.  They will be taking pictures and doing interviews that will be uploaded to our website.  The pictures will be uploaded during the weekend and the interviews will be in a special podcast that will be uploaded sometime next week.

This is Wichita, Kansas’ Exploration Place opening weekend (May 26, 2012) for “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.   “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit will feature Star Wars costumes and prop models along side actual science in today’s world.  If you have a Star Wars fan this will be right up their alley.  The exhibit will be at the Exploration Place until September 3, 2012, so make your plans to visit.  Our website also had a special podcast with Linda Eaves, Marketing Project Coordinator for the Star Wars exhibit, that can be found under our “Podcast” tab, Episode 14.5 or by the link below.  Also below is a link to the exhibits webpage to get more information.  Thank you to Exploration Place and LucasFilm for providing imagery.

May the 4th Be With You

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Remember to tell all the Star Wars fans in your library happy “May the 4th Be With You”.  Fans have taken this day as an unofficial holiday to celebrate the Star Wars franchise.

Also if you live in Kansas this would be a great day to spread the word that coming May 26, 2012 Star Wars will be at the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.  “Star Wars: Where Science Meets” Imagination exhibit will feature Star Wars costumes and prop models along side actual science in today’s world.  When I did the interview with Linda Eaves you will remember that she offered Kansas libraries to contact her and see if they could work out a Summer Reading Certificate and if your patrons meet the requirements that it could be used to get a discounted ticket for the exhibit.  If you are interested contact Linda at her e-mail address:

Make the Jump to Exploration Place

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Remember a jump through hyperspace isn’t like flying crops!  However, if you’re a seasoned pilot or can locate a cargo transport make that jump to Wichita, Kansas’ Exploration Place.  Coming May 26, 2012 Star Wars will be at the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.  “Star Wars: Where Science Meets” Imagination exhibit will feature Star Wars costumes and prop models along side actual science in today’s world.  If you have a Star Wars fan this will be right up their alley.  The exhibit will be at the Exploration Place until September 3, 2012, so make your plans to visit.  Our website also had a special podcast with Linda Eaves, Marketing Project Coordinator for the Star Wars exhibit, that can be found under our “Podcast” tab, Episode 14.5 or by the link below.  Also below is a link to the exhibits webpage to get more information.  Thank you to Exploration Place and LucasFilm for providing imagery.

To Exploration Place, You Most Go

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Don’t forget that coming May 26, 2012 Star Wars will be at the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.  “Star Wars: Where Science Meets” Imagination exhibit will feature Star Wars costumes and prop models along side actual science in today’s world.  If you have a Star Wars fan this will be right up their alley.  The exhibit will be at the Exploration Place until September 3, 2012, so make your plans to visit.  The website also had a special podcast with Linda Eaves, Marketing Project Coordinator for the Star Wars exhibit, that can be found under our “Podcast” tab, Episode 14.5.  Below is a link to the exhibits webpage to get more information.  Thank you to Exploration Place and LucasFilm for providing imagery.

Episode 14.5 Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Attention Star Wars fans!  Episode 14.5 of ComicPop Library is a special episode.  Richard was invited to visit with Linda Eaves, Marketing Project Coordinator of Exploration Place.  Linda is working with the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit which will be at Exploration Place (Wichita, Kansas) from May 26 through September 3, 2012.  Linda was nice enough to answer a few questions about how Exploration Place was granted the exhibit and what attendees will see when they visit the exhibit.  This would be a great summer trip for families and fans alike.  So be sure to mark your calendars to attend Exploration Place’s exhibit of, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination.

PlayEpisode 14.5 ComicPop Library – Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination

Star Wars coming to Kansas

©2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.

Coming May 26, 2012 Star Wars will be at the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.  “Star Wars Where Science Meets” Imagination exhibit will feature Star Wars costumes and prop models along side actual science in today’s world.  If you have a Star Wars fan this will be right up their alley.  The exhibit will be at the Exploration Place until September 3, 2012, so make your plans to visit.  Below is a link to the exhibits webpage to get more information.  Thank you to Exploration Place and LucasFilm for providing imagery.