Sculpture Obscene in Overland Park, KS?

The above sculpture “Accept or Reject” is one of eleven sculptures donated to the Overland Park, Kansas arboretum by Chinese Sculptor Yu Chang.  A Grand Jury was formed to determine if the sculpture is obscene, by glorifying “sexting”.  The petition that triggered the Grand Jury was started by Joanne Hughes and Phillip Cosby, the state American Family Association director.  The sculpture is of a headless partially clothed woman taking a picture of herself.  While some individuals see the sculpture as glorifying “sexting” others see the sculpture as the opposite.  Because the woman is fragmented and headless they see is as in today’s world by taking pictures of yourself and putting them on social networks you are being identified as pieces of a body, degrading your person.  You are not being identified as you, a full person with feelings and knowledge.  That is what some see is the message of this sculpture, the danger of this activity.  What side of the fence would you fall on?  To read the full article, by Maren Williams, on this you can follow Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s link below: