Ep 16 ComicPop Heroes take on The Ark: Awakening

Come join us, on our not so round table, as the ComicPop Crew discuss an independent comic book project that Jonathon found for us.  Jonathon went out on a quest to The Smallville ComicCon to meet new friends that bequeathed many treasures upon him.  From his signature from Superman (Brandon Routh) to the bounty he shared with Logan and Richard.  What bounty is this you ask?  It’s the first promotional issue of The Ark: Awakening, part of the Celestial Universe, by Aaron Shaw and Marc Oliver.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. The Ark: Awakening, Aaron Shaw – Story, Marc Oliver – Art, Aaron Shaw (Promotional Copy), 2019.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “The Ace of Swords”, The Turn of a Friendly Card (Expanded Edition), Alan Parsons Project, Arista Records, 1980.
  2. “Train of Thought”, Four Songs, Andrew Lubman, 2007.


Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Website

Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Facebook Page

Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Patreon Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 12 ComicPop On The Road at Starbase Studios with Ray Tesi

PlayEp 12 ComicPop Library On The Road at Starbase Studios with Ray Tesi

Logan, Jonathon, and Richard are still at Starbase Studios.  This time we run into Ray Tesi, the Director of Starship Republic, a Star Trek fan film production.  We have a short visit with Ray catching up with him and his production.  We here at ComicPop have been fortunate to visit with several new and old friends alike.  Thanks to Ray and all of them for joining us for some fun and their patience as we put the visits up for all to enjoy.

Music Drops Used:

  1. “Movin’ Right Along”, Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie SoundTrack, Atlantic Records, 1979.


Starship Republic’s Website

Starship Republic’s IndieGoGo Page

Starbase Studios Facebook Page

Starbase Studios YouTube Channel

Starbasebsitee Studios Website

ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Starship Republic, a Star Trek Fan Film Production, Indiegogo is Live!

We mentioned last week about the new Indiegogo page that was getting ready to go live for Starship Republic – a Star Trek fan film production.  We’ll our good friend, Ray Tesi the director, has notified me that it has gone live.  Check out the vignette that is on the page and help them to become part of the Star Trek Universe in your own way.  Here’s the link for the Indiegogo page: Starship Republic – A Fan Film Production Indiegogo Page

Starship Republic Gearing Up!

Our friends Ray Tesi and Don Horan, along with the cast of Starship Republic Star Trek Fan Film Production are gearing up to begin work as soon as Starbase Studios is ready to go in it’s new facility.  They have an Indiegogo page set up that you can sign up for to get notified when it goes live to help out with their endeavor.  So warp over to their page and get signed up today: Starship Republic’s Indiegogo Signup Page

Ep 53 ComicPop Visits with Producer Vance Major, of “Melbourne”, about the recent Star Trek Fan Film Guidelines, Pt. 1

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PlayEp 53 ComicPop Library Visits with Producer Vance Major, of “Melbourne”, about the Recent Star Trek Fan Film Guidelines

The ComicPop Crew are going on a new mission for the Federation aboard the Starship U.S.S. Melbourne.  Join us as we visit with Vance Major about his upcoming Star Trek fan film Melborune that he is producing and about how the recently released “Star Trek Fan Film Guidelines” will effect his production and possibly other fan productions.

Many thanks to Vance and his continued support of ComicPop Library.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “For Too Long Instrumental (Melbourne Theme), Perfect Pursuit, 2016.
  2. “Enterprise! – ‘9 to 5’ Dolly Parton, Star Trek Parody”, Dana Jean Phoenix, YouTube, 2015.


https://www.facebook.com/vance.major – Vance Major’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/groups/usspromenade/ – Promenade Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/events/350760301797083/ – Promenade-acon Facebook Page

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmEzu6xVMA-nzyEK5qBsyA – ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

https://www.facebook.com/Shadowstormstudios/?fref=ts – ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/ThePerfectPursuit/?fref=ts – Perfect Pursuit’s Facebook Page

http://starshiprepublic.com/ – Starship Republic’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/starshiprepublic/?fref=ts – Starship Republic’s Facebook Page.

http://danajphoenix.com/ – Dana Jean Phoenix Website

https://www.facebook.com/danajeanphoenix – Dana Jean Phoenix Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page.

Ep 50 ComicPop Visits with Don Horan, Author of the Novel Slug Line Pt 2

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PlayEp 50 ComicPop Visits with Don Horan Author of the Novel Slug Line Pt 2

Lenny and Richard continue their visit with Don Horan.  We finish up with some additional questions about his book Slug Line.  Then the three of us transport to the U.S.S. Republic and visit about Don and Ray Tesi’s Star Trek fan film Starship Republic.  So join us for more fun with Don Horan.

Music Drops Used:

1) “Star Trek Epic Music Suite: Where No One Has Gone Before”, Sam Dillard, Samo Studios, 2013.


http://www.slug-line.net/home.html – Don Horan’s Website

http://starshiprepublic.com/ – Starship Republic’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/starshiprepublic/?fref=ts – Starship Republic’s Facebook Page.

http://samostudios.tumblr.com/ – Samo Studios Website.

http://metropolisamerica.tumblr.com/ – Metropolis America’s website

https://www.facebook.com/MetropolisAmerica – Metropolis America’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 37 ComicPop Visits with, Co-Creator/Writer of Starship Republic, Ray Tesi Pt. 2

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PlayEp 37 ComicPop Visits with, Co-Creator/Writer of Starship Republic, Ray Tesi Pt 2

Join us for the second part of ComicPop’s visit with Ray Tesi, Co-Creator/Writer of the Star Trek fan film Starship Republic.  We had a fun time with Ray and want to thank him for taking the time to visit with ComicPop Library.  The open casting call did go live on the 15 so we wanted to get this out fairly fast in conjunction with that November date.  Make sure you contact Ray if you are interested in the open casting call!  Enjoy the visit!

Music Drops Used:

1) “Star Trek Epic Music Suite: Where No One Has Gone Before”, Sam Dillard, Samo Studios, 2013.


ray@starshiprepublic.com – Ray Tesi’s E-mail.

http://starshiprepublic.com/ – Starship Republic’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/starshiprepublic/?fref=ts – Starship Republic’s Facebook Page.

http://samostudios.tumblr.com/ – Samo Studios Website.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 36 ComicPop Visits with Ray Tesi Co-Creator/Writer of Starship Republic Pt. 1

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PlayEp 36 ComicPop Visits with Ray Tesi Co-Creator/Writer of Starship Republic Part 1

Ray Tesi, Co-Creator/Writer of the upcoming Star Trek fan film Starship Republic, takes time out of his day to visit with the ComicPop Crew.  Ray visits with us about November 15 being the beginning announcement for an open casting call for Starship Republic.  Be sure to like them on Facebook and watch their website, links are below, to get updates.

Music Drops Used:

1) “Star Trek Epic Music Suite: Where No One Has Gone Before”, Sam Dillard, Samo Studios, 2013.


ray@starshiprepublic.com – Ray Tesi’s E-mail.

http://starshiprepublic.com/ – Starship Republic’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/starshiprepublic/?fref=ts – Starship Republic’s Facebook Page.

http://samostudios.tumblr.com/ – Samo Studios Website.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page