Ep 16 ComicPop Heroes take on The Ark: Awakening

Come join us, on our not so round table, as the ComicPop Crew discuss an independent comic book project that Jonathon found for us.  Jonathon went out on a quest to The Smallville ComicCon to meet new friends that bequeathed many treasures upon him.  From his signature from Superman (Brandon Routh) to the bounty he shared with Logan and Richard.  What bounty is this you ask?  It’s the first promotional issue of The Ark: Awakening, part of the Celestial Universe, by Aaron Shaw and Marc Oliver.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. The Ark: Awakening, Aaron Shaw – Story, Marc Oliver – Art, Aaron Shaw (Promotional Copy), 2019.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “The Ace of Swords”, The Turn of a Friendly Card (Expanded Edition), Alan Parsons Project, Arista Records, 1980.
  2. “Train of Thought”, Four Songs, Andrew Lubman, 2007.


Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Website

Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Facebook Page

Celestial Universe (Aaron Shaw’s) Patreon Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Nathan M. Farrugia’s “Helix” Patreon Join Today!

Our friend Nathan M. Farrugia has started a Patreon Page to assist him in publishing the next installment of Helix, his digital episodic story that he is self publishing.  Helix is a near future techno/military thriller that I have enjoyed and I believe many of my fellow readers would as well.  There are different levels on the Patreon Page that you can assist with and it is a one time payment, not a monthly payment.  So jump on over and support Nathan today for an awesome read! – Richard

Nathan M. Farrugia’s Helix Patreon Page

Ep 40 ComicPop Visits with C. Michael Hall, Creator of Vampsylvania


PlayEp 40 ComicPop Visits with C. Michael Hall, Creator of Vampsylvania

The ComicPop Crew visits with C. Michael Hall who has recently created the card and dice game Vampsylvania.  Find out how he came up with the concept and how after only spending 24 hours on KickStarter Michael’s creation was fully funded and is still going strong.

You still have time to pledge to Vampsylvania to help Michael on his stretch goal on KickStarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/115666883/vampsylvania-a-card-and-dice-game-of-cute-cartoon?ref=nav_search

Music Drops:

1) “Funny/Creepy Music-Greedy One – Part 2 of 4, Claudie Mackula – composer, 2015.


https://www.facebook.com/Vampsylvania-1166247510067291/timeline – Vampsylvania Facebook Page

http://vampsylvania.blogspot.com/ – Vampsylvania Website

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1492134624/the-working-dead-an-undead-office-game?ref=nav_search – The Working Dead Card Game by Andrew Young Kickstarter Page

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/115666883/vampsylvania-a-card-and-dice-game-of-cute-cartoon?ref=nav_search – Vampsylvania KickStarter Page

https://www.youtube.com/user/ImageSoundMusic – Claudie Mackula YouTube Channel

https://www.patreon.com/cmackula?ty=h – Claudie Mackula Patreon Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page