Ep 94 ComicPop Visits with Bonnie Frankel Author of “Bonnies’ Theory: Finding The Right Exercise”

Michelle and Richard venture into Bonnie Frankel’s world of exercising.  Bonnie’s journey has been one of survival of breast cancer, attempted suicide after a divorce, and a transition through homelessness.  She rose back up through athletics to become a competitive athlete within the NCAA and Olympic Trails, becoming an inspirational exercise/sports training specialist, and author.

During this journey Bonnie has developed a theory that she wants to share with everyone.  Journey with us as we explore the different personal element types in our discussion of her book, “Bonnie’s Theory: Finding The Right Exercise” utilizing the four elements: Fire; Air; Earth; and Water.

What we visited about in this episode:

  1. Bonnie’s Theory: Finding the Right Exercise, Bonnie Frankel, Create Space, 2019.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Believer”, Oh, What a Life LP, American Authors, Mercury/Island, 2013.
  2. “Shine Your Way”, The Croods Soundtrack, Owl City featuring Yuna, Relativity Music Group, 2013.


Bonnie Frankel’s Website

Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

Rhonda Rees’ Publishing Company

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 21 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Riot”

The ComicPop Crew travel back to the “Old West”… well not exactly.  We actually travel to an Apocalyptic Steampunk Old West flavored world.  We have our six shooters blazing, along with supernaturalish powers, fighting cybernetic outlaws.  Join us in discussing and reviewing Satoshi Shiki’s manga Riot and Riot Act 2.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Riot, Satoshi Shiki, Viz Entertainment, 1997.
  2. Riot: Act Two, Satoshi Shiki, Viz Entertainment, 1997.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Wild Wild West”, Wild Wild West Soundtrack and Willennium LP, Will Smith – featuring Dru Hill and Kool Moe Dee, Overbrook-Interscope-Columbia, 1999.
  2. “Wanted Dead or Alive”, Slippery When Wet LP, Bon Jovi, Mercury, 1987.


Viz Media’s Webpage

Viz Media’s Facebook Page

Flying Colors Comics Website

Flying Colors Comics FaceBook Page

Flying Colors Comics YouTube Channel

ComicPop Library Facebook Page

Ep 84 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn About Her Upcoming Novel “Flip Side”

PlayEp 84 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn About Her Upcoming Novel “Flipside”

Angel Edenburn joins ComicPop again to let everyone know about her upcoming novel Flip SideFlip Side takes us back to Kansas where vampires roam the night  in the second book of the Kansas Vampires series.  So join us as we visit with Angel and remember if you are going to be at one of her events be sure to stop by and see her.

Music clips:

  1.  “Best Day of My Life”, Oh, What a Life, American Authors, Mercury/Island, 2013.
  2. “Brave”, The Blessed Unrest, Sara Bareilles, Epic, 2013.


Angel Edenburn’s Website

Angel Edenburn’s Author Facebook Page

Isys The Vampire Blog

The Slants’ Website

The Slant’s Facebook Page

Little Apple Comic Expo

ConQuesT Website

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page