Adventure Galley’s “Marooned”

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What is today’s bands deal with old, trippy sounding vocals? I was hooked from the very beginning of ‘Marooned’ and was taken out of it by the vocals. The electro feel they have going on is awesome and makes me instantly start to move. The voice treatment is what stops me from enjoying this song as much as I want to. I’ve run across this problem a lot over my time reviewing music and I wish it would just stop. Adventure Galley is an awesome name and the group has amazing potential if they would just fix that one little bit.

-April B.

This is were different people like different things.  I guess I’m one of those old timers 🙂 that likes this sound.  Like April said the beat gets you moving and for me the vocals remind me of some of the bands in my day.  The one that comes to mind mostly is The Cars and their style.  I also love the music video with the 1950’s SciFi Movie feel, right up my alley. Two differing opinions, which is great that’s what makes all of this interesting. – Richard

Check out Adventure Galley’s “Marooned” music video below provide by Vimeo:

ADVENTURE GALLEY – MAROONED (Official Music Video) from Treehouse Post on Vimeo.

“Just Let Me Know” Single from Cabana Kids

city bird publicityEric T. White

The Cabana Kids. Where do I start? I just can’t tell if I like this group or not. The instrumentals are beautiful and Give me an earthy, boho feeling. The vocals on the other hand sound a little flat in comparison, instead of floating on top of the music I thought the vocals were pulling it down at times. The lyrics are there and I can tell the vocalists have talent, I think the biggest problem is whatever treatment they’re using in their voices to get the particular sound you’ll hear. If they can fix that part they’ll have a group that’s 100x better, and they’re already good so can you imagine how great they’ll sound? I can, and it’s pretty sweet.

-April B.

Check out “Just Let Me Know” through SoundCloud below:

Pravada Latest “Flatbush”

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Pravada is now officially on my playlist. I loved there fast pace and the gritty effect the electric guitars gave it. I got a humongous Jack White feeling from Pravada and you know that’s always a good thing. You can hear the emotion and really see that Pravada believe in what their playing about. Usually I don’t take to well to music that sounds like its been haphazardly thrown together but in Pravda’s case they make it work wonderfully. The video was also pretty good and I didn’t see anything wrong nor particularly good with it. Pravda definitely has a good start and can only go up from here.

-April B.

Check out their music video to “Flatbush” from their YouTube channel:

AERS Blows in With “Blue Tempest”

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The beginning of “Blue Tempest” has a very peaceful sound and I enjoyed the acoustic guitar playing above it, however, I’m not sure I feel the same way about the vocals. Since the music is more subdued the vocalist should have a stronger, purer sound. The wispy psychedelic feeling of the vocals honestly put me off. At around three quarters of the way through the song the vocalist got a little clearer but I still think it should’ve been a little more and carried throughout the whole song. The instrumentals are beautiful-especially at the end with the low note fading out. If AERS works out the vocals they will easily become a favorite to me and I don’t doubt to a lot of other people.

– April B.

Oh wow this is one of those serine songs. I can see why this would not appeal to most teens. I see “Blue Tempest” appealing to your upper college age and adult listeners that just want to relax and let go for a while. This definitely won’t appeal to everyone, but listen below through SoundCloud to see if you might like “Blue Tempest” and AERS. – Richard

Ep 26 ComicPop Visits with Sam Wiley, Lead Singer of The Wiley Ones

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PlayEp 26 ComicPop Visits with Sam Wiley, Lead Singer of The Wiley Ones

Happy 4th of July everyone.  For the holiday we are bringing you a fun visit that April, Michelle and Richard had recently with the lead singer of The Wiley Ones, Sam Wiley.  We want to thank Melissa Nastasi of City Bird Publicity again for setting up the interview with Sam and a big thank you to Sam as well for taking the time out of his day to visit with us.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “Never Bored on a Board”, Kill it With Love, The Wiley Ones, 2012.

2) “Kill it With Love”, Kill it With Love, The Wiley Ones, 2012.

Links: – The Wiley Ones’ Website – The Wiley Ones’ Facebook Page – City Bird Publicity Website – City Bird Publicity Facebook Page – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page.

Ep 8 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with The Wiley Ones’ Album Kill it with Love

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PlayEp 8 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with The Wiley Ones’ album Kill It With Love

This time around April leads Michelle and Richard in a review and discussion on The Wiley Ones’ latest album Kill It With Love.  We want to thank Melissa Nastasi of City Bird Publicity for the digital album to use for the review.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

Kill it With Love, The Wiley Ones, 2012.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “Shallow Water”, Kill it With Love, The Wiley Ones, 2012.

2) “Seize the Day”, Kill it With Love, The Wiley Ones, 2012.

Links: – The Wiley Ones’ Website – The Wiley Ones’ Facebook Page – City Bird Publicity Website – City Bird Publicity Facebook Page – Peter Pixie’s Website – Peter Pixie’s MC Facebook Page – Peter Pixie’s Facebook Page – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page.

The Wiley Ones are Here!

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Wiley Ones look like they like to enjoy themselves.  We have been given the opportunity  of listening to their latest single “Thank You New York”.  I have also listened to “Kill it all With Love” .  The band has a simple sound that is refreshing.  They don’t have the strong drums and hard guitar riffs.  It’s more of a blending of folk/pop.  So everyone that enjoys that will likely enjoy The Wiley Ones.

City Bird Publicity has not only given me the chance to listen to The Wiley Ones’, “Thank You New York”, they have given you the same opportunity through SoundCloud.  Give it a listen, I think you will enjoy it – Richard

Rachel Griffin’s Single “A Summer Touch”

city bird publicityrachel griffin

The intro is a very clean opening with the piano. When Rachel comes in she has a nice clear sound. Even when she is going into the higher register you can understand her. The sound of this particular song is reminiscent to the Rat Pack days to me. Something you would hear in a night club or bar. Very moody and the instrumentals help support this feel with the piano, violin or base, and the soft brush of the drums. This song might not appeal to everyone, because it is a genre type feel, but give it a chance and I think it will grow on you.
I would love to hear other songs of hers to see what her voice sounds in other flavors of music. Having the different flavors will if nothing else keep Rachel from getting pigeon holed. – Richard
Thanks to City Bird Publicity for letting us know about Rachel Griffin and you can listen to “A Summer Touch” with her lyric video:

Sola Rosa Tour Dates


New Zealand’s own SOLA ROSA is back at it again! The group, which have been hitting the North American radar since late last year, are ready to get back into action with the release of the Get it Together Remix album and U.S. tour in July.
Gearing up for an impressive line up of U.S. Dates, the tour starts in Canada and is the beginning of the band’s worldwide ventures for 2012.
DOWNLOAD the Infectious New Single
“Love Alone – Jeremy Sole Remix”
(FeaturingSpikey Tee)
(Approved toEmbed and Post)

July 12th – Victoria Ska Festival @ Club 9ONE9
– Victoria, BC, CANADA
July 13th – Garibaldi LiftCo. – Whistler, BC, CANADA
July 14th – The Shakedown, Bellingham, WA
July 15th – Nectar Lounge (All Ages) – Seattle, WA
July 17th – Humboldt Brews (21+) – Arcata, CA
July 18th – HopMonk Tavern – Sebastopol, CA
July 19th – Elbo Room – San Francisco, CA
July 21st – Levitt Pavilion @ Memorial Park – Pasadena, CA
July 22nd – Levitt Pavilion @ Memorial Park – Pasadena, CA


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