HeroClix Gets a Shield

shield heroclixshield heroclix1

WizKids has announce another set of HeroClix for all you fans of this line of games or if you just like the small figures.  The set will be another Marvel set entitled Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is scheduled for a July release.  Get ready to try to find 86 figures that will include: 24 Common figures; 18 Uncommon figures; 16 Rare figures; 13 Super Rare figures; 5 Chase figures; and 5 Unique 3D objects.

More HeroClix

WizKids is still banging out the product.   Slated for release on December 18 is the Yu-Gi-Oh HeroClix (first six pictured figures, but they are still art proofs).  This will be a six figure starter set and then on February 14 (happy valentines to you gamers) the full series will be release in gravity feeds.  The set will have 55 characters to include: 16 Common; 15 Uncommon; 12 Rare; 9 Super Rare; and 3 Chase figures.  Then on April 23 WizKids will be releasing the Deadpool HeroClix singles and then on May 7, the booster packs, fast force packs, and organized play kits will be released.  The Deadpool set will have 80 figures to include: 19 Common; 19 Uncommon; 19 Rare; 15 Super Rare; and 4 Chase figures.  The organized play kit will also include 12 limited edition figures.  I hope all you HeroClix fans are saving your money.  A lot of neat stuff coming out.

WizKids Adding to Marvel Line

WizKids are going strong and producing new HeroClix at a fast pace.  If you are a HeroClix collector you are enjoying this or asking them to slow down.  Anyway, scheduled for an April 2014 release is the Marvel HeroClix: X-Men-Days of Future Past game pieces.  This is to tie into the release of the new X-Men First Class movie which will be released May of 2014.

New HeroClix

Coming July 31 WizKids will be releasing the Marvel HeroClix: Wolverine and the X-Men set.  There will be seven bases in the set with X-Men Gold & Blue Teams, Excalibur, Brotherhood of Mutants and pictured above New Mutants.  So all you HeroClix gamers get ready to hit your specialty stores to add these to your gaming collections.

Marvel HeroClix

WizKids has announced that the Marvel HeroClix next expansion set will be Wolverine and the X-Men.  The expansion is set for release August 4.  This expansion set will introduce Team Bases.  This will allow for individual figure movement or they can combine and move as a team on the Team Bases.  The set will have 91 figures, 7 team bases and 12 super rare figures.

New DC and Marvel HeroClix

WizKids is coming out with “Fast Forces Packs” for their DC and Marvel lines of HeroClix.  Each pack will contain six figures.  The DC packs, called DC HeroClix: War of Light Fast Forces Packs, will have characters from their Green Lantern titles.  The Marvel packs, called Marvel HeroClix: Uncanny X-Men Fast Forces Packs, will have characters from their X-Men titles.  Be sure to let your gamers know so they can start getting ready for another round of HeroClix.
