Thor Takes Box Office

It is being reported that Thor topped the box office this past weekend by taking in $66 Million.  A respectful opening, but will it retain the top spot for long?  Priest is hitting theaters this weekend to try and take Thor’s place at the top of the heap.

New Conan Trailer

Here’s a new trailer for the upcoming Conan the Barbarian movie, provided by Yahoo Movies.  This movie will not only appeal to you fantasy fans in the library, but comic book fans as well.  There have been different versions of Conan within the comic book medium.  The one I remember most is the Marvel run.

The 1st Big Hammer Strike of the Summer…

Thor opens up the Summer Blockbusters at the movies.  I don’t think anyone will forget, but remind your patrons that enjoy comic books, that Thor is coming out this weekend.  See the trailer below thanks to Yahoo Movies.

Ender’s Game at Summit?

Librarians take note Summit Entertainment, which has the rights to the Twilight Saga, has acquired the rights to Orson Scott Card’s Ender Game.  Gavin Hood is currently named as the director for the live action movie.  If all goes well this Saga will replace the Twilight Saga.  Some of the new attention for this could be from Marvel recently publishing adaptations of the Ender Saga in comic book form.  Follow the link to ICv2 for the full article.

Thor Featurette

Thanks to Marvel for sharing this Thor featurette which spotlights Natalie Portman’s character, Jane Foster.

Upper Deck Teams up with Marvel

For librarians that have patrons that like comic books and trading cards will want to share this information.  True most patrons interested in these two collectibles will be the same, but their might be a few that just collect one type of collectible.  For those patrons that only collect one type share with them that Upper Deck is producing a trading card series that when put together will form comic pages that tale the story of the Avengers: Kree-Skrull War.  This is a cool cross promotional and will give librarians some talking points with your patrons.  For the full article link below to ICv2.

Boom not Soliciting Classic Disney Titles

For librarians ordering classic Disney comics from Boom Studios they will need to look elsewhere now.  ICv2’s site is reporting that Boom has no solicitations for July for any of the classic Disney characters.  However, librarians don’t groan to much.  I believe that Marvel will be picking these titles up, since Disney owns Marvel to keep the publishing in-house.  Boom still has the Rescue Rangers, Ducktales and Darkwing Duck titles, but I wouldn’t be surprised that when the license agreements are up Disney will move them over to their Marvel publishing branch.