One of the Hands-On Stations at Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit. This station has three different locals that attendees can enter act with (That’s April and Logan, part of the ComicPop Library team, in the second picture). Each station is different. They stations themes are: Moisture Farm; Mos Eisley; and Jawa Village. You have a variety of plates that you place in front of a scanner and it will tell you what the plate represents. It then puts the image of the plate up on the computer screen around your environment. You then place the images on different places on the turn table to make a functioning environment. Depending on your placement of the plates will determine if your economy good, social aspects are good, and conflict is minimal or viceversa. So if your looking for a fun event to do this Summer, stop by the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.