Ep 6 ComicPop Toying Around with a Zelda Collectors Fun Box

Logan and Richard open a Legend of Zelda Collector’s Fun Box to see what all is inside.  See what our thoughts were, however don’t go out looking for these in stores.  This is one of our podcasts we did before the big move.  You might be able to find some of the Legend of Zelda Collector’s Fun Boxes on the secondary market, but not guaranteed.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Legend of Zelda Collector’s Fun Box with Pin, Enterplay, 2018.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Hero of Our Time A Legend of Zelda Song”, Sharp – Nate Wants to Battle, YouTube, 2016.
  2. “Zelda Medley”, Lindsey Sterling, YouTube, 2011.


Larry Fleming’s IMDB Page

ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

LR Photography’s Recording of SoonerCon 2017

Luis Reyes of LR Photography was at SoonerCon 2017 with us as well.  Here is his video that he provided for everyone to see on ComicPop Library’s  Facebook page.  Again it features Vance Major, Larry Fleming, Michael Sylvester, and myself at the panel for Storm Front Pt 1: a Star Trek Fan Film Production.  Luis’ recording picks up as we set down for the panel right after viewing the film. Thank you to eveyone for their kind support and especially to Luis and LR Photography for being there – Richard:

Jonation’s Room Live Video from SoonerCon 2017 “Storm Front” Panel

Jonathon had his phone ready for when we did the panel at SoonerCon 2017 for the showing of Storm Front Pt. 1: a Star Trek Fan Film Production.  He was kind enough to go live on Facebook with the feed and now here is the recording for you to watch. on his Jonathon’s Room Facebook Page  The first part is the showing of Storm Front Pt 1 and then about 13 minutes in the panel starts.  We had a great time catching up with friends and visiting with all who came.  So here’s the video featuring Vance Major, Larry Fleming, Michael Sylvester, and myself.  Again many thanks to Jonathon’s Room for provided the video – Richard:

ComicPop & Melbourne Coming to SoonerCon 2017

On June 24, Vance Major has graciously asked me to join in on a screening of Storm Front Part 1 and a Q&A panel afterwards at the 2017 SoonerCon in Oklahoma City.  On the panel will be Vance Major – the Producer, Michael Sylvester – Captain Cooper of the Melbourne, John Snow – Lt. Commander Fador of the Melbourne, Larry Fleming – Lt. Doral of the Melbourne, and me Richard Brookman – Captain Stapleton of the Carson.

If you are attending be sure to come to the panel, slated for 10:00 am and meet everyone.  The ComicPop Crew will also include Jonathon Rodriguez, Logan Brookman, and Luis Reyes that will be in attendance in the audience.  If you can’t be there and want to help support them through the groups GoFundMe campaign:  ShadowStorm Studios Balance of Terror GoFundMe


Ep 73 ComicPop Visits with Author Ryan Uytdewilligen

PlayEp 73 ComicPop Visits with Author Ryan Uytdewilligen

The ComicPop Crew get to have fun discussing coming-of-age movies with Ryan Uytedewilligen, the actual author of The 101 Most Influential Coming of Age Movies reference book.  The Crew mentions some of their favorites, which weren’t on Ryan’s list.  What did he thank of them?  Were there raised voices?  Nah…just a lot of fun.

Music clips:

  1. “Strangers Like Me”, Tarzan Soundtrack, Phil Collins, Walt Disney Records, 1999.
  2. “One Call Away”, Nine Track Mind, Charlie Puth, Artist Partner Group, 2016.


Ryan Uytdewilligen’s Website

Larry Fleming’s IMDB Page

ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 63 ComicPop Visits with the Cast & Crew of the Star Trek Fan Film Production “Melbourne” Pt 6

PlayEp 63 ComicPop Visits with the Cast & Crew of the Star Trek Fan Film Production “Melbourne” Pt 6

ComicPop’s next stop, on the Melbourne, is to the Science Station to visit with Science Officer Doral played by Larry Fleming.  What weird science goes on at Starbase Studios on the set for the Star trek fan film production Melbourne.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “For Too Long Instrumental (Melbourne Theme)”, Perfect Pursuit, 2016.


http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3940433/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 – Larry Fleming’s IMDB Page

twitter.com/SheldonKittyCat – Larry Fleming’s Twitter Page

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmEzu6xVMA-nzyEK5qBsyA – ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

https://www.facebook.com/Shadowstormstudios/?fref=ts – ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/vance.major – Vance Major’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/ThePerfectPursuit/?fref=ts – Perfect Pursuit’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Starship-Valiant/151123951763551?fref=tsStarship Vailiant , Star Trek fan film Facebook Page.

https://www.youtube.com/user/StarshipValiantStarship Valiant, Star Trek fan film YouTube Channel.

http://starshipvaliant.org/Starship Valiant, Star Trek fan film Website.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/645591578890964/ – MLK-KAEF Enterprises Facebook Page

https://www.youtube.com/user/MLKKAEFEnterprises – MLK-KAEF Enterprises YouTube Channel

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook