Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 13 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys

The thirteenth card is the Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, a sacred being who dies and comes back to life shortly after.  Basically a Jesus analogue.  This cards resurrection effect comes into play when it’s destroyed by a card effect, and destroys all spell and trap cards on the field, if it’s beaten in battle or banished it doesn’t get to come back.  While it does have the resurrection ability it also only has 2400 attack, which is pretty low for an 8 star monster.  There is a Nephthys archetype this is included in, which has multiple ways of summoning this from the deck or hand, either by actually summoning it, or destroying it in the deck so that its ability activates.  While its attack isn’t great, using it with it’s archetype you can get it to the field pretty easily, and it’ll bounce back from any traps that would have cleared your field.  Thank you Konami and Hill and Knowlton Strategies for giving us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 12 Santa Claws

The twelfth card is Santa Claws, the Yu-Gi-Oh version of Santa Clause.  While you can get it to your own field by sacrificing a monster, its effect lets you sacrifice an opponents monster to give it to them instead.  When you do that it also comes with a draw in the end phase.  It has 2500 defense, which is around as high as level 6 stats get.  It is a good way of getting rid of any one of your opponents monsters, and if you have effects based off of your opponents drawing like Trickstar Lycorissica or Appropriate, or are trying to get them to deck out the forcing your opponent to draw can actually be useful.  If you want to get the draw yourself, you have to get it to your side of the field before the end phase.  A good offense in return for giving your opponent some defense, thank you Konami and Hill and Knowlton Strategies for giving us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 11 Number 82: Heartlandraco

The eleventh card is a wind-up dragon with snowy hearts in the background.  Heartlandraco is a rank 4 XYZ that can’t be attacked while you have a face up spell card, so equipping this card works very well.  It can also attack directly by sacrificing one of its materials.  It has 2000 attack normally so that can deal half an opponents life points in two turns.  Card effects still work on it though so that is something to watch out for.  While their are many equip cards that will increase the attack, there is also Raregold Armor which if equipped to this card will prevent your opponent from attacking at all.  A slight warning that when you use this cards effect to direct attack, you can’t attack with any other monster.  All in all a great card, useful for both attack and defense.  Thank you Konami and Hill and Knowlton Strategies for giving us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 10 Mystical Fairy Elfuria

The tenth card is Mystical Fairy Elfuria, who looks to be more related to Spring than to Christmas.  It lets you stop all XYZ summons other than those of the same level as a wind monster in your hand for a turn.  The card seems to be connected to Ghost Fairy Elfobia, with similar names, levels, and their effects both looking at a wind monster you have in hand.  If your opponent is running a XYZ heavy deck this might be helpful, but otherwise theirs not much for it do.  Thank you Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for letting us have this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 9 Wind-Up Rabbit

The ninth card is Wind-Up Rabbit, a toy bunny.  It is part of a set focused on XYZ summons.  A lot of the Wind-Up cards also have the once while it’s face up on the field effects like this one.  The Wind-Up Rabbit can banish one of your Wind-Up monsters until your next standby phase, which can make them evade destruction effects, and possibly renews their abilities by getting them temporarily off the field.  If it does renew them then this card can actually evade destruction multiple times, as long as it doesn’t save a different monster, and since one of the XYZ monsters is rank 3 that could be a viable plan.  Having it on the field evading whenever necessary, waiting for another level 3 to show up so you can summon the XYZ monster immediately after getting your second monster.  You would at least want to summon this one first as none of the others can stop their own destruction.  A nice card, especially for rank 3 summons, and thank you to Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for giving us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 8 Snowman Eater

The eighth card is Snowman Eater, which is either a snowman that eats things, or something that lives in hollowed out snowmen.  It has 1900 defense and an effect that destroys a face up monster when it’s flipped face up.  It has a much better defense than Man-Eater Bug, but it can’t destroy face down monsters.  It also dodges effects that target Flip monsters.  This would go well with Sauropod Brachion, Fairy Tail – Sleeper, or other cards that turn monsters face down.  A well timed monster with this kind of effect can save you from defeat.  Thank you Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for getting us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 7 Fire Cracker

The seventh card is Fire Cracker, a little imp who throws around fireworks, which is a thing people do for Christmas.  This monster has 1700 attack but it’s main way of dealing damage is through its effect.  It can either discard itself from the hand for 1000 damage, or deal 300 times the number of times you hit your opponent for effect damage in each turn it’s on the field.  This card should work great with Trickstars or other burn decks.  If you do the 1000 damage one you will sacrifice your next draw phase, but if it’s field effect works on your opponents turn as well.  I’d advise using it on the field if you can keep it alive.  Thank you to Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for getting us this Advent Calendar.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 6 Tualatin

The sixth card is Tualatin, a steel angel that I have no clue how it relates to Christmas.  It’s a level 8 with 2800/2500 which is okay for it’s level but it’s effect is where it shines.  If your opponent clears your field by destroying 2 monsters in their battle phase you can summon it without sacrifice, and choose an attribute to clear off from your opponents field, though be wary of using it on the Light attribute because that will kill Tualatin as well.  Since a number of decks seem to only have one or two attributes it has a decent chance of clearing your opponents field and letting you have a direct attack on your turn.  It seems to be a great card, and thank you to Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for getting us this Advent Calendar.

Ep 10 ComicPop Game Play with Yu-Gi-Oh! 2018 Yusei Mega-Tin

Ep 10 ComicPop Game Play with Yu-Gi-Oh! 2018 Yusei Mega-Tin

This go around Logan and I look at the Yu-Gi-Oh! 2018 Yusei Mega-Tin from Konami.  With this item fans of the trading card game get three mega-booster packs, that have many cards from previous sets combined into this new set.  Also you get a cool collector tin to add to your collection.  Thanks to   Lindsey Barber, of Hill and Knowlton Strategies, Tim Klein, and Konami for their continued support.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list. Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording. Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you. So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! 2018 Yusei Mega-Tin, Konami, 2018. This set contains 233 cards: 134 Commons; 35 Rares; 20 Super Rares; 20 Ultra Rares; and 24 Secret Rares.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Yusei’s Theme”, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Sound Duel 2, Geneon Universal Entertainment, 2016.
  2. “Hyper Drive”, LegendMatrixYT, 2016.


Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Website

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Website

Konami Website

Hill & Knowlton Strategies

ComicPop Library Facebook Page

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 5 Ice Queen

The fifth card is the Ice Queen, a level 8 monster with 2900 attack and the effect to get a spell back from the graveyard if it is destroyed and you have three spellcasters there already.  It also can’t be special summoned from the grave.  The spell retrieval is probably the reason it can’t be reborn, though that doesn’t stop it from going back to the hand.  It also actually approaches the limit of attack power without costs being attached to effects.  Great if you focus on spellcasters and have ways of getting higher level monsters out to the field.  Thank you to Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for letting us have this Advent Calendar.