Ep 75 ComicPop Visits with Susanne Lambdin about her and the Museum of World Treasures Cosplay: Time Travel Event
Have you been the the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita, Kansas? No. Want to learn about Cosplay? Yes. Want to meet a cool author who writes dark fantasy and fantasy novels? Yes. Join ComicPop as we visit with author Susanne Lambdin, Guest of Honor, of the Museum of World Treasures – Cosplay: Time Travel Event. Come as you are or dress up as your favorite historical or fictional character for an evening of fun and the opportunity to purchase Susanne’s latest novels Seeker of Magic and Immortal Hearts.
Event: Cosplay: Time Travel Event
Where: Museum of World Treasures, 835 E. 1st St. N, Wichita, Kansas
When: Friday May 19, from 8:00 pm – 12:00 am
Guest of Honor: Susanne Lambdin, author of Seeker of Magic series and Dead Hearts series
Cost: $20.00 to enter event per person
Museum of World Treasures Website
Museum of World Treasures Facebook Page
Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website
Susanne Lambdin’s Website
Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page
Matthew Gurnsey, The Kilted Man’s Website
Matthew Gurnsey, The Kilted Man’s Facebook Page
ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page