Ep 93 ComicPop Visits with Marc Zicree, Creator of Space Command SciFi Series

Logan and Richard are new recruits for Space Command, where adventure awaits!  In this thrilling episode we visit with Marc Zicree, the creator, writer, and executive producer of Space Command. Marc has also been the writer of several of your SciFi series including Star Trek: Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and several others. Space Command is a fan supported Kickstarter Science Fiction series that blends elements of modern and classic SciFi storytelling.  So if adventure is calling, Marc Zicree, of Space Command is ready to have you as his newest recruit.

What we visited about in this episode:

  1. Space Command, Marc Zicree – Creator & Writer, Space Command Studios LLC, 2020.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Space Command Theme”, David Raiklen – Composer, 2020.
  2. “Adventure”, Matthew Parker, Dream Records, 2016.


Marc Zicree Mr. SciFi YouTube Channel

Space Command First Full Episode YouTube Link

Space Command Kickstarter Page

Space Command Store

Marc Zicree Facebook Page

Marc Zicree Twitter Page

Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

ComicPop Library Facebook Page

The Assassin’s Apprentice: Silbadores of the Canary Islands Film

Our friend Russell Emanuel is in the grove and is in the process of doing a follow up to his award winning Assassin’s Apprentice in Assassin’s Apprentice: Silbadores of the Canary Islands.  If you wanted to be part of a film, but didn’t know how this is a cool way you can help out.  You can use this link to go to The Assassin’s Apprentice: Silbadores of the Canary Islands KickStarter page.

You will see that the funding has already been reached and surpassed, which is great!  This means they can make the production of the film that much better.  Russell has commented that there are additional stretch goals that have been added to the page.

You can still help out with the production and be part of Russell’s growing catalog of films.  Check out the video from the KickStarter page and don’t forget to jump on over to the page and contribute to become part of the movie making industry.

Assassin’s Apprentice Film Kickstarter


Our friend Russell Emanuel has had a Kickstarter campaign to help fund his latest film The Assassin’s Apprentice that star Robert Picardo (Star Trek fame), Marina Sirtis (Star Trek fame), and Tarah Paige.  Their goal was reached and they are now in a stretch goal campaign for additional funding that will assist in them being able to make the best film they can.  Check out their campaign video and if you would like to be a part of making a film possible head on over to their Kickstarter page here ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/innomagic/the-assassins-apprentice-0 ):

Riftwalker Board/Card Game


One of our family friends has completed a KickStarter campaign for his board/card game Riftwalker: A Storm Hollow Card Game.  We want to congratulate them on a successful campaign and share their news to our listeners that enjoy gaming.  Below I have attached a how to play video from their YouTube channel.  No date on when it might be released for the general public to purchase but here is the link for the KickStarter page for you to learn about the game: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gamesalute/riftwalker-a-storm-hollow-card-game/description

Ep 40 ComicPop Visits with C. Michael Hall, Creator of Vampsylvania


PlayEp 40 ComicPop Visits with C. Michael Hall, Creator of Vampsylvania

The ComicPop Crew visits with C. Michael Hall who has recently created the card and dice game Vampsylvania.  Find out how he came up with the concept and how after only spending 24 hours on KickStarter Michael’s creation was fully funded and is still going strong.

You still have time to pledge to Vampsylvania to help Michael on his stretch goal on KickStarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/115666883/vampsylvania-a-card-and-dice-game-of-cute-cartoon?ref=nav_search

Music Drops:

1) “Funny/Creepy Music-Greedy One – Part 2 of 4, Claudie Mackula – composer, 2015.


https://www.facebook.com/Vampsylvania-1166247510067291/timeline – Vampsylvania Facebook Page

http://vampsylvania.blogspot.com/ – Vampsylvania Website

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1492134624/the-working-dead-an-undead-office-game?ref=nav_search – The Working Dead Card Game by Andrew Young Kickstarter Page

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/115666883/vampsylvania-a-card-and-dice-game-of-cute-cartoon?ref=nav_search – Vampsylvania KickStarter Page

https://www.youtube.com/user/ImageSoundMusic – Claudie Mackula YouTube Channel

https://www.patreon.com/cmackula?ty=h – Claudie Mackula Patreon Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Vampslyvania Card and Dice Game


We just had a great interview with the creator of the new card and dice game Vampsylvania.  Those that have been long time listeners will recognize the creator, C. Michael Hall.  Michael is one of our friends that submitted this on KickStarter to see if there would be interest and he received tremendous support.  We are working to have the interview up by this Friday.  There is still time left to support Vampsylvania by jumping over to KickStarter and making a pledge: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/115666883/vampsylvania-a-card-and-dice-game-of-cute-cartoon?ref=nav_search  .  Congrats to Michael and thank you for coming on the show with the ComicPop Crew.

Gaming Diorama at GenCon


I just had to share this diorama from the 2015 GenCon, that ICv2 has on their site.  This diorama was built I believe by the company Pulposaurus Entertainment and not a gamer to help gather interest in their KickStarter for the game Conan: Rise of Monsters game they want to produce and launch.  This is just to cool looking!  If they would sell the diorama with the game I think several gamers would be interested.  If you want to check it out jump on over for more information – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2060871444/conan-rise-of-monsters?ref=nav_search

Veronica Mars Movie Trailer

As reported previously a Kickstarter was done for a Veronica Mars movie, which raised $2 Million dollars in 1 days.  Well the film has a release date and a trailer.  It is scheduled for release on March 14 and thanks to “Delirium Comics” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Veronica Mars Movie is Coming

If you remember a few months back I we had a story about the Veronica Mars televisions series starting a Kickstarter to make a movie.  Well the funds were raised and Warner Bros. released a trailer at Comic-Con this past weekend.  The movie is currently being filmed.  No word if it is a theatrical or tv movie or straight to DVD, we’ll have to wait and see on that front, but until then have fun watching the video below from “veronicamarsmovie’ channel on YouTube: