Kindo is back on the scene after a 4 year pause and want to share their newest single “Return to Me” with our listeners. Kindo is a slight modification of the bands original name. Some of you might remember them as The Reign of Kindo now it’s just Kindo. In “Return to Me” the band mixes in several sounds which is a little over powering at first, but once the listener gets attuned to what the band is doing the single is a fun listen. At the midpoint of the single I really latched on to this single loving that guitar coming in strong and the beat becoming stronger through the rest of the song. The vocals from out of the gate are nice and clear and drive this single forward with staying power that I really enjoyed. Check out Kindo’s newest single “Return to Me” through SoundCloud – Richard:
Bryan Stave’s Single “Monday Song”

“Monday Song” is an infectious song. Bryan Stave hit’s it out of the park on this one for me. The song is fun and upbeat, with lyrics that are just as fun to listen to. “Monday Song” is one I can listen to over and over again and not get tired of it, to much fun! If this song doesn’t get your head to bobbin’ and your foot to tappin’ I don’t know what will. Even though I’m a day off on when I’m posting this have a listen to Bryan Stave’s single “Monday Song” and brighten up your day with some fun music. Here it is through SoundCloud – Richard:
Kyle Motsinger’s Music Video for “Midwest Boy”
Kyle Motsinger, with his single “Midwest Boy”, has developed a piece that mixes a couple of time periods. At the beginning of the single the piano gives it a 1920’s feel and Kyle cements that feeling in the music video. The first minute, eight second of the music video feels like a 1920’s movie. After the minute – eight mark the music and video shift into a modern day setting and hits a pop beat that mixes 1970’s and current trends…you can definitely pick up on his theatrical background with this single. I’m sure Kyle is probably pulling from personal past, but his appearance and friendly face makes it hard for him to pull of a hard ridden Midwest boy. It’s a fun single that once it starts clipping along and with the upbeat feel I enjoyed it and hope he carries that upbeat feeling into his other music. Here’s the music video for “Midwest Boy” from Kyle Motsinger’s YouTube channel and then be sure to check out his album Far Away, available June 9, from your digital vendor of choice – Richard:
Nathan Leigh’s Music Video for “The Slumlord’s Kids”
Nathan Leigh has given me a new experience that I found I enjoyed. With his single and music video for “The Slumlord’s Kids” he has introduced me to folk/punk music. You know what I found that I enjoyed it. The single has that underlying folk rhythm, but with a real kinetic and frantic beat that you would have with a punk song. The music video itself is a fairly standard video with Nathan singing “The Slumlord’s Kids” interspersed with other sections of the video, but the main feature is Nathan. Take a moment out of your day and enjoy Nathan Leigh’s music video for “The Slumlord’s Kids” through his YouTube channel – Richard: