Ep 48 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mikey Mason


PlayEp 48 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mikey Mason

The ComicPop Crew have an uproariously good time listening and discussing Mikey Mason’s comedy/rock album Barbarian Jetpack.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Barbarian Jetpack, Mikey Mason, Independent, 2012.  UPC # 885007338291, $10.00.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Han Solo Cool”, Barbarian Jetpack, Mikey Mason, Independent, 2012.
  2. “Best Game Ever”, Barbarian Jetpack, Mikey Mason, Independent, 2012.
  3. “Please Bring Firefly Back (for Christmas)”, Barbarian Jetpack, Mikey Mason, Independent, 2012.


http://www.mikeymason.com/ – Mikey Mason’s Webpage

https://www.facebook.com/ComedyRockStar/about/?entry_point=page_nav_about_item – Mikey Mason’s Facebook page

http://incendiabooks.com/ – C. Michael McGannon & Incendia Books wepage

https://www.facebook.com/IncendiaBooks/?fref=ts – Incendia Books Facebook page

http://themonsterguys.com/ – C. Michael McGannon & The Monster Guys webpage

https://www.facebook.com/TheMonsterGuys/?fref=ts – C. Michael McGannon & The Monster Guys Facebook page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library Facebook page.

Nerd Barrage “Princess Bride” Themed Opening

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This one slipped through the cracks here at ComicPop.  I was supposed to post this a couple of months ago and then got busy and quickly forgot about it….my bad on that.  Anyhow this edition of Nerd Barrage feature an opening themed to Princess Bride and Jacob, one of our hosts, had a hand in writing the script for it.  So a shout out to him and Nerd Barrage.  Here is the episode that you can watch below from Nerd Barrage’s YouTube channel:

Ep 57 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 2


PlayEp 57 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 2

Join the ComicPop Crew and Lynn E. Main, author of Zombie Waltz 1, as we continue our visit in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “Katy Perry – The One That Got Away ‘Music Video Parody’ (Zombie Apocalypse)”, WinterSpringPro, YouTube, 2011.
  2. “Do You Wanna Kill Some Zombies?” ‘ The Last of Us’ parody (Frozen’s “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?”), OzzaWorld, YouTube, 2014.


https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts – Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

worldashome@hotmail.com – Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

http://www.deadheartsnovel.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website

http://www.susannelambdin.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/susanne.lambdin – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 56 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 1


PlayEp 56 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 1

In this episode Lynn E. Main visits with the ComicPop Crew.  Lynn shares how he came up with the concept of Zombie Waltz 1 and the journey to bringing it to publication.  So join the Crew, in our first part of visiting with Lynn.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “I’m A Zombie Maybe” Carly Rue Jepsen – Call Me Maybe Parody, Skudiff als Gamer, YouTube, 2013.
  2. “The Zombie Song – Parody”, Stephanie Mabey, KawaiiWerewolf, YouTube, 2012.


https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts – Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

worldashome@hotmail.com – Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

https://www.facebook.com/mike.mundy3?fref=ts – Mike Mundy’a Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 47 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with K-Pop’s Super Junior


PlayEp 47 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with K-Pop’s Super Junior

Did someone say they wanted more K-Pop?  Why I guess we did…Take a trip with the ComicPop Crew to enjoy one of April’s all time favorite groups as we discuss Super Junior and their album Devil.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Devil, Super Junior, SM Entertainment, 2015.  ASIN: B011LMCJP4, $22.90.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Devil”, Devil, Super Junior, SM Entertainment, 2015.
  2. “Rockin’n Shine”, Devil, Super Junior, SM Entertainment, 2015.
  3. “We Can”, Devil, Super Junior, SM Entertainment, 2015.


https://www.youtube.com/user/SUPERJUNIOR – Super Junior YouTube Channel

http://craiggreenbergmusic.com/news/ – Craig Greenberg’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/craiggreenbergmusic/?fref=ts – Craig Greenberg Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library Facebook page.

Ep 14 ComicPop Licensed to Read “Profit and Prosper with Public Relations” with author Rhonda Rees Pt 2


PlayEp 14 ComicPop Licensed to Read “Profit and Prosper with Public Relations” with author Rhonda Rees Pt 2

Jacob and Richard continue their discuss with author Rhonda Rees on her work Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success.  Rhonda is an award winning public relations expert and she is sharing with our listeners her expertise and experiences within the field.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success, Rhonda Rees, Aseity Press, 2012.  ISBN: 978-0982223505, $25.95.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “Reach”, S Club 7, Polydor Records, 2000.
  2. “Soak Up The Sun”, Sheryl Crow, A & M Records, 2002.


http://rhondarees.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Website

http://www.rhondareespr.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

http://www.aseitypress.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Publishing Company

https://www.facebook.com/rene.perez.idic – Rene Perez’ Facebook Page.

http://www.cmichaelhall.com/ – C. Michael Hall’s Website for Atomic Raygun Comics

https://www.facebook.com/Vampsylvania-1166247510067291/timeline – Vampsylvania Facebook Page

http://vampsylvania.blogspot.com/ – Vampsylvania Website


https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 12 ComicPopping Manga Style with Terra Formars, Vol. 1


PlayEp 12 ComicPopping Manga Style with Terra Formars, Vol. 1

Join Logan, Jonathon, Jacob, Lenny, and Richard on a trip to Mars along with the Terra Formars troops.  The Earth is overpopulated and running out of resources so the powers that be sent terraforming technology to Mars in an attempt to make it habitable for the human race.  500 years later we send our first manned expedition to Mars to see if the mission was a success.  However, there were a few bugs in the process…literally and they are out for blood.

Here is another fun filled episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Terra Formars, Vol. 1, Yu Sasuga – author, Ken-ichi Tachibana – artist, Viz Media, 2014.  ISBN: 978-1421571546, $12.99.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Murder Mitten, Terra Formars Opening Theme,” I See Stars, 2014.
  2. “Train of Thought, Andrew Lubman.


http://www.viz.com/ – Viz Media’s Webpage.

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialVIZMedia/?fref=ts – Viz Media’s Facebook Page

http://thewileyone.com/ – The Wiley Ones’ Website

https://www.facebook.com/thewileyone – The Wiley Ones’ Facebook Page

http://www.andrewlubman.com/Welcome.html – Andrew Lubman’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/AllYouNeedIsLub?fref=ts – Andrew Lubman’s FaceBook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 13 ComicPop Licensed to Read “Profit and Prosper with Public Relations” with the Author Rhonda Rees Pt 1

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PlayEp 13 ComicPop Licensed to Read “Profit and Prosper with Public Relations” with the Author Rhonda Rees Pt 1

Join Jacob and Richard as they discuss Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success with the author of the book, Rhonda Rees.  Rhonda is an award winning public relations expert and she is sharing her expertise and experiences with our listeners.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Profit and Prosper with Public Relations: Insider Secrets to Make You a Success, Rhonda Rees, Aseity Press, 2012.  ISBN: 978-0982223505, $25.95.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “Bring it All Back’, S Club 7, Polydor Records, 1999.
  2. “Brighter than the Sun”, Colbie Caillat, Universal Republic Records, 2011.


http://rhondarees.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Website

http://www.rhondareespr.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ PR Company

http://www.aseitypress.com/ – Rhonda Rees’ Publishing Company

https://www.facebook.com/rene.perez.idic – Rene Perez’ Facebook Page.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/rene-perez-931aa034 – Rene Perez’ LinkedIn Page.

http://www.idicentertainment.com/ – iDiC Entertainment Website (Rene Perez)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 5 ComicPop Visits…Well BS’s with Author Susanne Lambdin

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PlayEp 5 ComicPop Visits…Well BS’s with Author Susanne Lambdin

The ComicPop Crew team up with Susanne Lambdin, author of the Dead Hearts series, for a BS session.  We get into Susanne’s novels as well as, Star Trek Beyond, Ghostbusters, Suicide Squad, and can you believe it Twilight.

Music clips used this episode:

1) “Unbelievable” featuring Hanson, Mobile Orchestra, Owl City, Republic, 2015.

2) “When Can I See You Again”, Wreck it Ralph Soundtrack, Owl City, Walt Disney Records, 2012.


http://www.deadheartsnovel.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website

http://www.susannelambdin.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/susanne.lambdin – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page

http://wyvernspeak.com/ – Wyverns Peak Publishing Website

https://www.facebook.com/vance.major – Vance Major’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/groups/usspromenade/ – Promenade Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/events/350760301797083/ – Promenade-acon Facebook Page

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmEzu6xVMA-nzyEK5qBsyA – ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

https://www.facebook.com/Shadowstormstudios/?fref=ts – ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook

Ep 55 ComicPop Visits with “Walking Dead Walker” Mike Mundy and “Dead Hearts” author Susanne Lambdin

Susanne Lambdincomicpoplogo-facebook2Mike Mundy

PlayEp 55 ComicPop Visits with “Walking Dead Walker” Mike Mundy and “Dead Hearts” author Susanne Lambdin

Lenny, April, Jacob, and Richard take a walk and encounter a zombie infestation.  As the ComicPop Crew maneuvers through the streets they team up with an unexpected ally in a Walker himself, Mike Mundy, from the Walking Dead television series and the take no prisoner zombie author Susanne Lambdin, of the Dead Hearts book series.  Join us for a fun visit.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “The Walking Dead Full Theme Song”, The Walking Dead, Bear McCreary – composer, 2010.  Dino Master, YouTube, 2013.
  2. “I’ll Make a Zombie Slayer Out of You! (Mulan Parody) – Kimmi Smiles”, Kimmi Smiles, YouTube, 2011.


https://www.facebook.com/mike.mundy3?fref=ts – Mike Mundy’a Facebook Page

http://www.thewalkingdead.com/The Walking Dead Website

http://www.deadheartsnovel.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website

http://www.susannelambdin.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/susanne.lambdin – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page

http://wyvernspeak.com/ – Wyverns Peak Publishing Website

http://younglyonsmusic.com/ – Young Lyons Website

https://www.facebook.com/younglyonsmusic – Young Lyons Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page