Ep 21 ComicPop Game Play with Yu-Gi-Oh! Chaos Impact Booster Packs, Pt 3

Part 3, and last, of our opening of a complete booster box of the Chaos Impact booster packs.  This recording was done before the stay-at-home orders several States enacted.  So until everything goes back to some semi-normalcy stay safe.  When the gaming shops reopen or if they happen to have online ordering (remember the quarantine steps for packages) go and give them your support.  These shops part of the life blood for Trading Card Game collecting and playing.

Thank you to Konami and Hill and Knowlton Strategies for their continued support of ComicPop Library.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Chaos Impact Booster Packs, Konami, 2019. This set contains 100 cards consisting of: 48 Commons; 20 Rares; 14 Super Rares; 10 Ultra Rares; and 8 Secret Rares.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “finger eleven – Paralyzer but it’s a synthwave remix”, The Nick Show, YouTube, 2019.
  2. “In the End”, Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones LP, Black Veil Brides, Lava/Universal Republic Records, 2013.


Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Website

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Website

Konami Website

Hill & Knowlton Strategies

Angel Edenburn’s Website

Angel Edenburn’s Author Facebook Page

Isys The Vampire Blog

ComicPop Library Facebook Page

Ep 84 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn About Her Upcoming Novel “Flip Side”

PlayEp 84 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn About Her Upcoming Novel “Flipside”

Angel Edenburn joins ComicPop again to let everyone know about her upcoming novel Flip SideFlip Side takes us back to Kansas where vampires roam the night  in the second book of the Kansas Vampires series.  So join us as we visit with Angel and remember if you are going to be at one of her events be sure to stop by and see her.

Music clips:

  1.  “Best Day of My Life”, Oh, What a Life, American Authors, Mercury/Island, 2013.
  2. “Brave”, The Blessed Unrest, Sara Bareilles, Epic, 2013.


Angel Edenburn’s Website

Angel Edenburn’s Author Facebook Page

Isys The Vampire Blog

The Slants’ Website

The Slant’s Facebook Page

Little Apple Comic Expo

ConQuesT Website

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 82 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn Author of the “Kansas Vampires” Series


PlayEp 82 ComicPop Visits with Angel Edenburn Author of the “Kansas Vampires” Series

Vampires in Kansas?  There ain’t no safe place in this world created by Angel Edenburn.  But hey we can have fun no matter what.  So join us as we visit with Angel as she gives our listeners some inside information on her upcoming books for the Kansas Vampire series and exclusive news about new stories she’s working on.  Werewolves anyone?

What we discussed in this episode:

  1. Night Blind, Kansas Vampires Book 1, Angel Edenburn, CreateSpace, 2015.  ISBN: 978-1518756824, $7.45.

Music clips:

  1. “Strangers Like Me”, Tarzan Soundtrack, Phil Collins, Walt Disney Records, 1999.
  2. “One Call Away”, Nine Track Mind, Charlie Puth, Artist Partner Group, 2016.


Angel Edenburn’s Website

Angel Edenburn’s Author Facebook Page

Isys The Vampire Blog

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page