Immigrant Union Tour Dates

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If you enjoyed the band Immigrant Union that we spotlighted with a “Rockin’ in the Dirt” episdoe ( ) here are some of the band’s upcoming tour dates for you to mark on you calendar:

16 Thu                   Detroit, MI – PJ’s Lager House
17 Fri                     Chicago, IL – Township
18 Sat                    Terre Haute, IN – Verve
19 Sun                   Cincinnati, OH – MOTR
Oct 22                    New York, NY – CMJ Music Festival – The Sound Gallery
Oct 24                    New York, NY – CMJ Music Festival – Pete’s Candy Store
28 Tue                   Los Angeles, CA – Dirty Laundry
29 Wed                  Las Vegas, NV – Bunkhouse
31 Fri                     San Francisco, CA – Slim’s Shelby AshNOVEMBER
03 Mon                  Seattle, WA – Sunset Tavern
06 Thu                   Portland, OR – Mississippi Studios

Immigrant Union’s Latest Music Video and Tour Dates

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Here is Immigrant Union’s latest music video “Alison” that is provide through their YouTube channel and a listing of their fall tour dates.  Also don’t forget we did a recent podcast on their album Anyway.  You can listen to the podcast at this link:

Immigrant Union Fall 2014 U.S. Tour


08 Wed                  Boston, MA – TT The Bear’s Place
09 Thu                   Danbury, CT –  Heirloom Arts Theatre
10 Fri                     New York, NY – Pianos
11 Sat                    Philadelphia, PA – Ortlieb’s Lounge
12 Sun                   Long Branch, NJ – Brighton Music Bar
16 Thu                   Detroit, MI – PJ’s Lager House
17 Fri                     Chicago, IL – Township
18 Sat                    Terre Haute, IN – Verve
19 Sun                   Cincinnati, OH – MOTR
Oct 21-25              New York, NY – CMJ Music Festival
26 Sun                   Los Angeles, CA – Overpass
28 Tue                   Los Angeles, CA – Dirty Laundry
29 Wed                  Las Vegas, NV – Bunkhouse
31 Fri                     San Francisco, CA – Slim’s Shelby Ash

03 Mon                  Seattle, WA – Sunset Tavern
06 Thu                   Portland, OR – Mississippi Studios

Ep 15 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Immigrant Union

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PlayEp 15 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Immigrant Union

This time around April, Luis, and Richard review and discuss Immigrant Union’s new ’60-’70’s influenced album Anyway.  A huge thank you to Katie Trimble of the The MuseBox for allowing us to review their album and don’t forget that the album comes out on September 23.  Since we recorded the review Immigrant Union’s website has become active so be sure to check it out, the link is below.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

1) Anyway, Immigrant Union, 2014.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “War is Peace”, Anyway, Immigrant Union, 2014.

2) “I Can’t Return”, Anyway, Immigrant Union, 2014.

Links: – Immigrant Union’s Website. – Immigrant Union’s FaceBook Page. – The Muse Box’s Website. – The Muse Box’s Facebook Page. – Joshua David Bellin’s Website. – Joshua David Bellin’s Facebook page. – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Immigrant Union’s single “I Can’t Return”

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Immigrant Union has figured out the right amount of soft and hard sounds. The mellower, soft rock feel of the music is balanced with the sharp sounds of the vocals and backup singers. Even though the vocals aren’t crisp, compared to the rest of the music they sound crisp. It’s very hard to find the right balance when going into the retro, soft rock genre and Immigrant Union has figured it out. The only thing I have to pick out is that the music video is a little too retro. I loved the idea they were going for but it didn’t come off as a naturally retro video. It came off more as a 21st Century band trying too hard to capture a 20th Century look.

-April B.

Check out Immigrant Union’s video for “I Cant’ Return” from their YouTube Channel below: