Episode 23 Shownotes

1. World of Tanks at http://worldoftanks.net/

2. Combat Arms at http://combatarms.nexon.net/

3. Morning Glories, Vol. 1, Nick Spencer & Joe Eisma, Image Comics, 2011.  ISBN: 978-1607063193, $9.99.

4. Morning Glories, Vol. 2, Nick Spencer & Joe Eisma, Image Comics, 2011.  ISBN: 978-1607064077, $12.99.

5. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.


Other items mentioned: Lord of the Rings; Daemon; World of War Planes; World of Battleships; Runescape; SimCity; Grand Thief Auto; Left For Dead; Lost; Heroes; Time Travel; Cloning; Clones.

Episode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More of Me…Noo!

Episode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More Me..Noo! is up and ready for your listening pleasure.  In this episode the crew is joined by Andy as we review and discuss the Free to Play, Pay to Win online games World of Tanks and Combat Arms and the first two graphic novels of Morning Glories written by Nick Spencer and art by Joe Eisma.

PlayEpisode 23 of ComicPop Library: Everybody Needs More Me..Noo!

New 52 Trailer

DC Comics has released a new trailer for the New 52.  Thanks to ICv2 and BleedingCool.com for the following trailer:

Don’t Forget Locke and Key

Locke and Key is written by Joe Hill and is one of my favorite reads.  IDW Publishing has published 4 collected editions of this title and has a fifth in the works.  The title is geared for upper teens (15 and Up) and adult readers.  If your library does not have this title yet I strongly recommend it. The following trailer is provided by YouTuber TomWaltz:

Comic-Con Documentary

For those of us that will never get to Comic-Con, Comic-Con Episode IV A Fan’s Hope might be as close as we get.  The documentary will have a very limited release and will get most of it’s money from Blu-Ray/DVD sales.  This would be one for a library to get, so patrons that have expressed an interest in the convention can see what it would be like.  Thanks to ICv2 and YouTuber “movieclipsTRAILERS” for the trailer below.

CBLDF at Library Conference

The Executive Director of Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Charles Brownstein, spoke at the Long Island Resources Council’s 20th Annual Conference on Libraries and the Future.  His presentation was over the history of censorship within the comic book industry and the challenge’s the industry will face in the future.  The presentation is available in PDF and in voice recording on the following website so check it out.
