ICv2’s site, linked below, has announced a new game based on Biblical epics. The game, Crossroads, is to have elements of a board game and of a Collectible Card Game. Librarians might mention this to their gamers that also belong to this faith and also their local church community, if they have a strong youth group. It is to have a Spring 2011 release.
FUNimation gets Mass Effect
Libraries that have an anime fan base and gaming fan base will want to keep this title on their radar. BioWare has announced that FUNimation and the Japanese studio T.O. Entertainment will be teaming up to bring out a Mass Effect anime movie. Production is already in motion and they are aiming for a Summer 2012 release to DVD. Follow the link back to Anime News Network’s site, for the full article.
Resident Evil Playing League
Libraries that have Trading Card Gamers will want to pass this along to them. Resident Evil: Alliance TCG came out in January and proved to be a hit, with an expansion set planned. Because of this, Bandai is planning to release a league play program. Think of the Magic The Gathering & Yu-Gi-Oh league play tournaments. Tell your patrons to ask their local hobby shops if they plan on taking part of this program. Link on over to ICv2’s site for the article.
Watch out for that Sucker Punch
History of RPG’s
ICv2 is reporting that Mongoose Publishing will be releasing a history of RPG’s (Role Playing Games) entitled Designs & Dragons. It will cover 60 years of gaming in the RPG arena. As of the time of the article there has been no firm release date or other ordering information. Keep on the look out for this title, it sounds like it will make a nice addition to your library collection. If not for anything else, but there isn’t much out there on the history of RPG’s.
Pokemon Black & White set Record
ICv2 & Anime News Network report that the new Pokemon Black & White Nintendo DS combined sold over 1 million units on it’s first day of release.
Tomb Raider Reboot
ICv2 reports that Graham King, GK Films, has acquired the rights to the Tomb Raider film rights. The site mentions Angelina Jolie, but really she has had her turn. Time for some new blood. GK Films recent credits are The Town and Rango. If handled correctly this can be a cool franchise. Link to the article below.
Lost Planet Manga
Here is another title for librarians to keep their eyes out for when it is translated in English. The first compiled book of Takeshi Miyazawa’s Lost Planet: Bound Raven is being released this week. This will be a great crossover book for Teen/Young Adult librarians to use to get some of your library’s gamers into graphic novels. Since it is based on a video game I’m pretty positive this will be adapted for the English audience. Follow the link back to Anime News Network for the short article.