The X-Men anime series premieres tonight on G4 at 11:00 p.m. ET. This will be a 12 episode run and I’m sure will be packaged for U.S. distribution. So keep your ears to the ground for when it becomes available to add to your library’s animation collection. Thanks to AnimeNews Network and MTV for the trailer below:
Clip From Ironman Anime
Ironman/Wolverine G4 Premiere
On Friday, July 29th, G4 will premiere the Madhouse produced anime series of Ironman and Wolverine. Ironman will be up first with an 11:00 p.m. (ET) showing followed by Wolverine at 11:30 p.m. (ET). If you get G4 as part of your cable package make a note or set your DVR’s.
G4 & Marvel
Marvel’s site reports that G4 will start airing the new anime styled Marvel animation this July. The titles will be: Ironman; Wolverine; X-Men; and Blade. For all the areas that get G4 let your patrons know to start keeping an eye on their TV listings. Below is the trailer for the titles coming to G4.
New Wolverine Anime Clip
Thanks to G4 and ICv2 for releasing this clip of the forthcoming Wolverine Anime.
Ironman & Wolverine Anime on G4
Marvel’s website, linked below, has announced that G4 will be airing the Ironman & Wolverine Anime series exclusively this July. Voice casting for Ironman is Adrian Pasdar and for Wolverine is Milo Ventimiglia. The article also states that G4 will be airing the Blade & X-Men Anime series later this year as well. This makes it one step closer for these series to be made available through Blue Ray/DVD. Librarians that keep track of the anime collection in their library will want to keep their ear to the ground for when these become available for purchase.