Vixen Season 2 Trailer

The CW Seed is giving everyone season 2 of Vixen.  I enjoy how they have included this animated series in with the TV shows.  Check out season 2’s trailer from CW’s YouTube channel:

Black Lightening Trailer

This looks good!  CW Network is still bring us our DC Comics superhero goodness and this time it’s Black Lightening.  This looks to fit in seamlessly with the other CW superhero shows.  I’m having so much fun seeing all of this comic book and science fiction goodness hitting the small screen and big screen!  Here’s the trailer through IGN’s YouTube channel:

Flash Season 3 Trailer


Continuing the rundown of trailers coming out of SDCC the next one is for the third season of The Flash on the CW.  The trailer is provided by the CW’s YouTube channel:

Ep 2 ComicPop TV Watches the 1st Season of The 100

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PlayEp 2 ComicPop TV Watches the 1st Season of The 100

Join Jonathon and Richard as they review and discuss the first season of the CW’s Science Fiction series The 100.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

1) The 100 The Complete First Season, Various, Warner Home Video, 2014.  ASIN: B00KO72XPo, $39.98.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “The 100-Official Trailer”, Warner Bros. UK, YouTube Channel, 2013.

2) “The 100, TV Series Season 2, Intro”, Manir Rahool, YouTube Channel, 2014.

Links: – Starbase Studios Facebook Page. – Starbase Studios YouTube Channel. – Starbase Studios Website. Vailiant , Star Trek fan film Facebook Page. Valiant, Star Trek fan film YouTube Channel. Valiant, Star Trek fan film Website. – The CW Network Website. – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Flash Season 2 Trailer/Highlight Reel


Check out the Flash trailer/highlight reel from SDCC.  The CW and DC are just have a good time right now with interesting, fun shows.  Thanks to Warner Bros. for streaming this on their YouTube channel:

Legends of Tomorrow Trailer


Check it out the first trailer for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow television series, from CW Television Network’s YouTube channel.  Side note to Michelle, it has Firestorm in it.  Firestorm is one of her favorite characters.  Anyway it looks like Legends of Tomorrow might be pretty good.

Hawkgirl Cast for Another DC Comics TV Series


Ciara Renee joins a growing list of actors to be cast in the upcoming CW Spinoff of the Arrow and Flash TV series.  Ciara has been cast as Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl.  Her fellow peers are: Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/The Atom; Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/Black Canary; Dominic Purcell as Heat Wave; Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold; and Victor Garber as Dr. Martin Stein.  It’s fun to see the CW making a family of television series from DC Comics.

iZombie Gets Life at CW


I’m liking the CW Network more and more.  They have added another comic inspired show to their rotation, with iZombie.  I enjoy the comic book these are based on being CW it is a DC/Vertigo property.  The trailer looks good and it will be one for me to place on my to watch list.  Check out it out through CW’s YouTube channel:

Arrow Season 3 & Flash Seaosn 1 Trailer


Season 3 of Arrow looks to be like great outing and now we also get the first season of the Flash.  And to top it all off they are tied together.  Bringing us more superheroes and super villains.  I for one can’t wait.  Check out both trailers below from YouTube’s “Warner Bros. TV” and “”The CW Television Network” channels:

Flash TV Trailer


Looks like DC is doing with television what Marvel is doing in the movies, making a DC Universe that is tied together with the Arrow and Flash.  Question is will the new Gotham television series be tied in with the Arrow and Flash as well.  Any way here is the latest trailer from the CW with the upcoming Flash series that is spinning out of the Arrow series.  It looks like another winner to me.  Thanks to “The CW Television Network” channel on YouTube for the following extended trailer: