Arrow Season 3 & Flash Seaosn 1 Trailer


Season 3 of Arrow looks to be like great outing and now we also get the first season of the Flash.  And to top it all off they are tied together.  Bringing us more superheroes and super villains.  I for one can’t wait.  Check out both trailers below from YouTube’s “Warner Bros. TV” and “”The CW Television Network” channels:

Free Comic Book Day is This Weekend!

I hope everyone is ready for FCBD.  Our library has our issue out and ready.  I know of one other library that is participating.  So check with your local library as another source for free comic books.  Be sure to visit the Free Comic Book Day website:

On the site, on the left hand bar, is a search box so you can put in your location and it will locate the nearest comic book store retailer so you can attend on Saturday.

Also, as I mentioned in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 post, you can see the movie Friday and attend FCBD on Saturday or do FCBD on Saturday and that afternoon or evening go see Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer

This is the only wide release movie happening this weekend.  You can see this two ways.  See it Friday before Free Comic Book Day and then on Saturday go to your local comic book store or do Free Comic Book Day on Saturday at your local comic book store and then that afternoon or evening go see Amazing Spider-Man 2.  Needless to say this weekend is for comic book fans.  Thanks to “Sony Pictures Entertainment’s” channel on YouTube for the following trailer:

TMNT First Trailer Being Shared

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have had a resurgence the past two years with the latest cartoon.  Now we get a new live action Turtles movie.  I actually enjoy the Turtles so I’m looking forward to this one.  Check it out below from the “CBN Trailers” channel through YouTube:

Flash Arriving in Arrow

Here is the look of the upcoming Flash in Arrow.  It has been a while since we’ve seen Flash in a full body suit.  Smallville didn’t have him in a costume and if I remember right they actually said that was Impluse.  However, for those old enough or have seen the series from back in the 1990’s, I believe, will remember the Flash series and in it he had a full body costume.  The one above looks right for today’s looks.  Thanks to ICv2 for the heads up.

Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants

If you haven’t heard the Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation has a grant that is geared for libraries.  There are two categories: “Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant” which provides support to a library that would like to expand its existing graphic novel services and programs; and “Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant” which provides support to a library for the initiation of a graphic novel service or program.  To apply for the grant you will need to visit this link  to download the application cover sheet and then you will need to write a two page narrative on your library’s need and intentions with the grant funds.

Besides the funds the library that is awarded a grant will receive a collection of Will Eisner’s work and biographies, the current nominees for the Will Eisner Award and a stipend to help attend the American Library Association’s Annual Conference to accept the award.

If you are interest you will need to act fast because the deadline for submitting grant applications is February 7 (This Friday).

TMNT MiniComic Packs

If you are a comic book collector and/or into the “Turtles” this might interest you.  IDW Publishing will be adding the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to its Micro Comic Fun Packs.  The Fun Packs are scheduled for an April 1 release date (this is a weird date so hopefully they aren’t pulling our leg).  The packs will contain one of four, 22 page mini comics, if you want to purchase them to add to you collections.

Surprise Geek Wedding for 10th Anniversary

Michelle sent me this story, which I thought was pretty cool.  For their 10th anniversary a husband planned a surprise geek wedding, for his wife.  I don’t know if I could get this by Michelle and she would probably roll her eyes when she got there.  She isn’t into the SciFi/Comics/Gaming like I am, she lets me do my thing though and sends me cute emails like this one.  She’s great!  Anyway check out the cake and rings, kind of cool.  The groom and groomsmen didn’t dress up in costume, they had on comic related T-shirts under their shirts.  Thanks for the story Michelle, we’ll have to think of something for our upcoming 25th Anniversary.  Click on the link below to get the full story and additional photographs.

Ep 8. MiniPop: Welcome to Helldorado


PlayEp. 8 MiniPop: Welcome to Helldorado

We are joined by C. Michael Hall as we discuss his creation Helldorado, a mash-up of the Spaghetti Western and Horror genres, from Ape Entertainment.  The ComicPop Crew also gains another Michael from the Dodge City Public Library’s Book of the Month Podcast.

Join us for another fun episode, by listening above, at, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show. – C. Michael Hall’s Website for Atomic Raygun Comics – C. Michael Hall’s Deviant Art Page – Ape Entertainment’s Webpage – Ape Entertainment’s FaceBook Page – Music Alley Website – Plantagenet 3 link to the song Theme from an Imaginary Western – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

IDW has My Little Pony

This is a title that if you were unaware of you might want to pick up for you children’s graphic novel collections.  IDW has the My Little Pony license and it has already released it’s second My Little Pony graphic novel and they should be able to be ordered from your jobbers your library uses or through a local comic book shop.