Monogold’s Music Video for “Naked”

Monogold is sharing with our listeners their second music video.  This one is for their single “Naked”.  The single and music video remind me the early 1990’s.  The rhythm of the single just carries that feel with it and the singers blending with the instruments is the same 1990’s feel.  The music video has a vibe that seems to be an homage to the film Benny & Joon from the 1990’s as well.  I get this vibe because of the look and quirks of the lead in the video.  If you dig Monogold be sure to look for their EP Yolk available through digital vendors.  Here’s Monogold’s music video for their single “Naked” through their YouTube channel – Richard:

Justin Lacy’s New Single “Sealed”

Justin Lacy is sharing with our listeners his new single “Sealed” off his second album entitled Control Burn.  Justin has the folk feel down and I love the bass beat he has going through the single which is interspersed with a light sound that he pulls off with an acoustic guitar.  Justin has one of those voices that reminds me of how Bob Dylan sang.  Here’s Justin Lacy’s “Sealed” through SoundCloud for you to check out and then you can go to your digital vendor of choice to give him some love by purchasing his Control Burn album that is available now – Richard:

Typhoid Rosie’s Music Video for “Baby I Want You”

Typhoid Rosie is keeping with their style of dark rock.  Just having Typhoid in the name you kind of now what you are in for.  They give you that driving rock sound in their single “Baby I Want You” that doesn’t necessarily say the single is dark, but when coupled with the music video it give you that dark vibe from the beginning and you get into a Dolores Claiborne type of kidnapping were the love is one sided and disturbing.  You can tell Typhoid Rosie had fun with this video, which allows the viewer to watch it with the dark humor respected.  Here’s Typhoid Rosie’s music video for “Baby I Want You” through Rosie Rebel’s YouTube channel – Richard:

Mischief Night’s Music Video for “With Me, Now”

Mischief Night is sharing with our listeners their music video for “With Me, Now”.  “With Me, Now” is playing to a more niche market which I believe Mischief Night realizes and are embracing with their music.  When I listen to “With Me, Now” I get this psychedelic/folk/bohemian mix and their music video for the single kind of captures that free artistic range as well with the purposefully rendered low end stop motion spliced with live footage of the band that almost feels like old 8mm film.  I enjoy that they are bringing in a variety of instruments, but with their softer voices they will need to watch out for their instrumentals overpowering them.  Check out Mischief Night’s music video for “With Me, Now” for something new that you might like through Marcus Kitchen’s YouTube channel- Richard:

Blue Cactus’ “I Never Knew Heartache” Music Video

Blue Cactus is sharing with us their debut music video for their single “I Never Knew Heartache”.  This one is for all the waltz lovers out there.  Blue Cactus dives deep into the roots of country/western music for this nostalgic feel for “I Never Knew Heartache”.  Even the music video takes you back to the earlier ’70’s, before the transition to the more modern country sound that was developing.  Blue Cactus is aiming for a late February, early March release of their self-titled album so if you enjoy the country/western vibe this might be one for you.  Here’s the music video for “I Never Knew Heartache” from Blue Catcus’ YouTube channel – Richard:

Uruguay’s Debut Music Video for “Sabrina Segment”

Uruguay is sharing with our listeners their debut music video for “Sabrina Segment”.  This single has a very soulful feel to it and with the drumbeat, along with the images of the music video, feels like a heart beat.  There is no harshness to the single, but you feel a desperation within “Sabrina Segment”.  The single and video deals with the harshness of life and how it can be very down trodden, but you can still find someone to help make it go a little easier.  When you get to the end of the video you will understand what I mean, because I want to leave that for you to interpret on your own, because you could get a different message from it, which is all good.  Here’s Uruguay’s music video for “Sabrina Segment” from their YouTube channel – Richard:

Gold Casio’s Single “Socialites and Singer Types”

Talk about a flashback.  Gold Casio is sharing with us their disco inspired single “Socialites and Singer Types”.  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face while listening to this.  “Socialites and Singer Types” has all the hallmarks of a ’70” disco song, but it’s lyrics have modern day reflections.  Even the groups name has that ’70’s reference with “Casio”…I mean come on, that’s just cool. Disco is all about having fun so take a moment and have some fun with Gold Casio’s “Socialites and Singer Types” through SoundCloud – Richard:

People the Kangaroo Music Video for “The Death of You”

People The Kangaroo is sharing with our listeners their latest music video for the single “The Death of You”.  This single is pure electro/pop that has a fun rhythm to it.  The vocals blend in with the instrumentals, but the vocals hover just enough above that you can still enjoy them.  The music video is the group and director having fun with reversing the camera shots and making a mess of everything.  I could see this one in a dance club where everyone and the laser show dances to the beat.  Check out People The Kangaoo’s music video for the single “The Death of You”, from their YouTube channel – Richard

Don DiLego’s Music Video for “Idiot Heart”

Today Don DiLego is treating our listeners to his music video for the folk/country ballad “Idiot Heart”.  This tune has a very somber tone to it, but it is delivered in a way that captures the listener.  Don’s voice fits the style really well and I am definitely interested in more from his album Magnificent Ram A that is available for purchase.  The way the lyrics translate for me is that it is about an individual that is unsure of him/her self in a relationship and ultimately the relationship falls apart, even though they don’t want it to.  The music video for the single is well made and gives the viewer a country home feel.  If you like what you hear be sure to look for Magnificent Ram A from your downloader of choice.  Until then here’s the music video for “Idiot Heart” from Don DiLego’s YouTube channel – Richard:

Anousheh Wants to “Get To You”

Another strong outing by Anousheh with her latest electro/pop single “Get to You”.  Anousheh continues with her catchy rhythms and strong voice.  You can definitely feel a 1990’s influence with this single.  The first thing that popped into my head upon listening to “Get to You” is that reminded me of something Belinda Carlisle would have sung.  Check out Anousheh’s “Get to You” through SoundCloud here – Richard: