Sena Kana’s Debut Single “Up”

Sena Kana is hitting it out of the park with her debut single “Up”. The single also feature Wiz Khalifa and one of my favs Sheppard. “Up” has a great dance vibe to it and you can understand why if you have ever listened to anything by Sheppard. It starts out with a simple beat and Sheppard bringing in the first verse, then the next verse hits and Sena comes in with Sheppard and the beat jumps up to a upbeat rhythm through the chorus. Sena’s single has an infectious beat that gets the body moving towards the latter part of the song Wiz Khalifa comes in strong with his rap. It all blends together to form a great song that I really enjoy.

Thanks to Nadia Ali and Amanda Charney of BlackPanda PR for allowing ComicPop to share Sena Kana’s single with our listeners. Enjoy everyone – Richard

Vess Releases Debut Single “Never Leave You Alone”

Vess is a new artist on the scene for everyone to experience.  He is sharing with our listeners take a listen to his debut single “Never Leave You Alone” from his forthcoming album Shadows.  Vess uses sounds that are reminiscent of the late ’80’s early ’90’s with his use of electronic media and the way his voice comes through the single.  This gives the single a very atmospheric feel.  The tempo also lends to this haunting sound.  Here’s Vess’ “Never Leave You Alone” through SoundCloud for everyone to enjoy – Richard:

Upsahl’s Latest Single “Can You Hear Me Now”

Upsahl is sharing with our listeners her latest single “Can You Hear Me Now”.  This single has a catchy rhythm and Upsahl has a nice clear strong voice.  The flow of the music reminds me of something you might have heard back in the late 1990’s in the pop arena.  Even though the subject isn’t the funnest thing to talk about Upsahl, who collaborated with Max Frost on this piece, puts a poppy beat to it that people will get into.  With such a strong voice I’m eager to hear more from Upsahl. Here’s Upsahl’s “Can You Hear Me Now”, which is available now from your digital vendor of choice, through SoundCloud – Richard:

Goldmyth’s Music Video for “Has to Be Better”

Goldmyth is sharing with our listeners her music video for her single “Has to Be Better”.  The style of this single is a techno or electronica slow melody.  The instruments are not as brass because of the slow feel and Goldmyth uses a breathy voice for the verse and then transitions into a clear tone in the chorus.  I like the breathyness in this single because it adds weight to the single.  “Has to Be Better” is basically about a couple that has broken up and one party wants to get back together and the other is saying if this happens it “Has to Be Better”.  The music video that was shot for this is a washed out club scene in my eyes.  It has the neon and other type of lighting.  They single does pick up its rhythm half way through the song, but it is still clearly a slow thoughtful song.  The EP, Faded Dreams, that this single is from is available, from your digital vendor of choice.  So check out Goldmyth’s music video for “Has to Be Better” from her YouTube channel and then look for her EP – Richard:

Ep 57 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mike Schiavo

PlayEp 57 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mike Schiavo

The ComicPop Crew get the chance to listen to Mike Schiavo’s EP.  Many of you might remember Mike from Season 10, of The Voice where he sang a spur of the moment duet with Adam Levine.  So join us as we discuss Mike Schiavo’s self-titled EP.  Thanks to Kelli Tomashoff, of Black Panda PR, for the continued support.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Collide”, Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.
  2. “Gold”, Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.


Mike Schiavo’s Website

Mike Schiavo’s Facebook Page

Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters Website

Wyvern’s Peak Publishing Website

Wyvern’s Peak Publishing Facebook Page

The Monster Guys Website

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page



Pearl Lion’s Hot Music Video for “NYC”

Pearl Lion is the persona of the lead guitarist from the Saturday Night Live Band and he is sharing with our listeners his newest music video, for his single “NYC”.  You know I love me some instrumental music and Pearl Lion gives it to us in spades with this rock instrumental piece.  “NYC” starts out with a hard driving beat and doesn’t let up.  If you need something to get you going for the day this single will do it for you.  There are voices in the single, but they are used as instruments as well, with no lyrics to be sung.  The music video takes on the hard driving force and gives the viewer a look at some of the dynamics of New York City.  Falling Awake Films directs the film and Ashley Smith is used as the primary character of the film.  This video has some steam coming off of it as well with a little “afternoon delight”.  And with our sight being interested in comic books I have to mention that the way they dress Ashley for the video is really reminiscent of Harley Quinn’s look from the Suicide Squad film.  Here’s Pearl Lion’s music video for “NYC”, from his EP Dark, for you to enjoy through his YouTube Vevo Channel – Richard:

Mt. Wolf’s Music Video for “Heavenbound”

Mt. Wolf is sharing with our listeners again.  This time it is their music video for their single “Heavenbound”.  This single is very heavy and the vocals add to that sense of foreboding.  The music video tells the story of a man that hasn’t had the best life and is in the process of losing said life in the hospital that he has been brought into with what looks to be a gunshot wound.  This is one that you will have to be in the right mood for, it’s not a happy go lucky song, it’s one that draws you in and makes you think about life in general.  You can find their new album Aetherlight from your digital vendor of choice.  Here’s Mt. Wolf’s music video through their VEVO YouTube channel – Richard:

Late Night Episode Releases “Talk About Love”

Late Night Episode is a new alt/rock band that is hitting the Summer with a great feeling song, with their single “Talk About Love”.  This single just has a fun rhythm that gets into your body and makes you want to move.  If your like me I dance in my chair even when I listened to “Talk About Love”.  The vocals and the synth echo takes me back to high school in the 1980’s – earlier 1990’s.  Just a fun single for the Summer time.  The group is working on an EP so keep your eyes open on your digital vendors for when they release it.  As of this time I have no date or name of their EP to give you.  But here is a taste of Late Night Episode and their single “Talk About Love” through SoundCloud – Richard:

Lovely.The.Band’s Lyric Video for “Broken”

With “Broken” Lovely.The.Band is letting everyone know they are here.  They are sharing with us their Lyric Video for “Broken” which feels like a music video and if you take out the lyrics from the screen it is a music video, because most lyric videos key on the lyrics, but with this one it gives you movement behind it.  The single “Broken” is a nice clean pop single that, if I remember right, is similar to One Republic’s style on “All the Right Moves”.  Very catchy rhythm and clear vocals make this one fun to listen to.  So know it’s your turn to take a listen to Lovely.The.Band’s lyric video for “Broken” – Richard:

Trishes Latest Single “Animal”

Trishes is sharing with our listeners again.  This time she is coming to us with an upbeat single that will catch you from the beginning of the single, “Animal”.  “Animal” has a bit of modern feel, with the bass beat, as well as an older feel to it, especially with the “bum, bums” at the beginning and throughout the song.  Very nice job with the upbeat feel…everyone knows I enjoy those type of songs and her vocals are on point again.  So enjoy Trishes “Animal” through SoundCloud – Richard: