Apollo 18 Opens this Weekend

This weekend has Apollo 18 coming out.  This movie will hit the interests of your science fiction and horror patrons.  Thanks to YahooMovies for providing the trailer.

AMV of the Week

This weeks AMV is from a few years back.  YouTuber technotronica made this AMV with Will Smith’s “Wild Wild West” combined with scenes from Trigun.  The editing has great moments were the images match up with the songs lyrics perfectly.  For this persons first AMV he/she did a great job.  However, this AMV was also his/her last because there are no other listings for this YouTuber.  You can find this on YouTube with the tag “Trigun-Wild, wild west AMV” or you can check it out below.

Eden of the East Trailer

If your library doesn’t already own it they might want to consider picking up Eden of the East Complete Series, which leads to the Eden of the East: King of Eden Movie, both from FUNimation, for your anime section.  Thanks to YouTuber FUNimation for the respective trailers.

Another Cross Promotional Title

Here is another title that librarians can use to cross promote different sections of their library.  In November, Dynamite Entertainment is releasing, The Dynamite Art of Alex Ross.  This is a compilation of Ross’ painted covers that he has done for Dynamite Comic Books.  The book will be 12″x9″ with 200 pages, for 39.99 suggested price.  Just like the Mass Effect art book this will draw interest from your patrons that like comic books and for your patrons that are just in to the art medium.  If you haven’t seen his work you are missing out and so our your patrons.


Tekken Trailer

Here is the official trailer for Bandai Namco Games’, Tekken: Blood Vengeance, the new 3d CG movie.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network , through YouTuber, tekkenchannel, for the trailer.

What Could Have Been

ICv2 has posted the pilot trailer of what could have been a Locke and Key television series based on Joe Hill’s comic book series.  From the trailer it looked pretty good.  Thanks to ICv2, through YouTuber DarthRong, for this trailer.

Condolences for Junpei Takiguchi Family

Our condolences go out to the family of Junpei Takiguchi.  AnimeNews Network reported his passing this morning.  He was known for his voice work in Yattaman as Dottor Dokrobei and his numerous other works.  Thank you for all you gave us.

More CrossGen Titles Coming from Marvel

Marvel’s site has announced that it will have two more CrossGen mini-series.  The first will be Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, written by Peter Milligan with art by Ramon Rasanas.  The second is Route 666, written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa with art by Peter Nguyen.  Each title will be a four issue mini-series with Kiss Kiss Bang Bang coming out in December and Route 666 scheduled to come out in 2012.  Follow each link for the respective stories.

