Left-field artist RÁJ is mysterious — even we don’t know who he is. And like Jai Paul or Burial before him, he’s a singular voice, one whose mysteriousness aids his sly, tough to pin down songs.
“Ghost” is a slow burner that draws the sonic hallmarks of beat culture into the realm of actual songcraft, like Bon Iver collaborating with Bibio. As it builds, RÁJ carries the song into high drama territory, with an intensity that sounds like a male Florence Welch.
RAJ likes to play with a the sounds of instruments in his release of “Ghost”. This will not be on most people’s radar because of the uniqueness of his sound. His voice is really clear and a pleasure to listen to. This is one that after I listened to it I could get into. If you like experimenting with your music this is definitely one for you. Give it a listen below by click on the link.
“Ghost” exclusively premiered via Pigeons & Planes