Ep 13 ComicPop On The Road at TopCon Geek Expo 2017

PlayEp 13 ComicPop On The Road at TopCon Geek Expo 2017

Jonathon and Lynn got to go to TopCon Geek Expo this year.  They had a great time and wanted to share their trip with everyone.  Lynn was there with his novel Zombie Waltz Volume 2. Jonathon rode along to keep him company.  Both got to see several of our friends and meet new friends.  So sit back and join us as Jonathon and Lynn recount their fun trip to TopCon Geek Expo.

Lynn’s next stop is at the Little Apple Comic Expo this weekend in Manhattan, Kansas.  So be sure to stop by his booth and get your copies of Zombie Waltz.

Music Drops Used:

  1. “Movin’ Right Along”, Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie SoundTrack, Atlantic Records, 1979.


Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

Jonathon’s Room Facebook Page

TopCon Geek Expo’s Website

Little Apple Comic Expo

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page